  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Learning Process of Constructing Positive Thinking and Behaviors: A Case Study on the Program 'Process of Happiness in Action' in a University


本研究的目的主要以正向心理學(positive psychology)的概念,來幫助學習者藉由學習歷程分析,建構和發展正向思考與行為的模式。研究對象為某大學通識課程「情緒管理」選修的64位學生。本研究應用「幸福行動歷程」學習紀錄,內容包括思考、行動及反思三部分,教導學習者從記錄和解析自我幸福感受的歷程中建構和發展正向思考與行為。研究結果發現參與課程的學生能有效學習從歷程的紀錄解析自我幸福感受,更學習轉化自我幸福感成為正向概念,並將此概念發展為幸福的動力建構自我正向思考與行為的模式。


The purpose of this study is to adopt the concept of positive psychology to help learners to construct and develop positive thinking and behavior patterns through the analysis of learning process. The subjects of this study were 64 students, who took the General Education course 'Emotional Management' in a university and voluntarily participated in this study. This study used a form named 'Process of happiness in action' and the content of this form included three parts: thoughts, action and reflection. This form was used to teach the participant students how to construct and develop positive thinking and behaviors through the process of recording and analyzing their feelings of self-happiness. This study found that the students who participated in this course could effectively learn how to analyze their self-happiness feelings through the record of the process, translate their self-happiness feelings into positive concepts, develop these positive concepts into the dynamics of happiness, and construct positive thinking and behavior patterns.


Bandura, Albert(1977).Self-efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change.Psychological Review.84,191-215.
Schwarzer, Ralf(ed.)(1982).Self-efficacy: Thought Control of action.Washington, DC:Hemisphere.
Bandura, Albert(1986).Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall.


