  • 期刊


Taiwan's Journey to Free Trade Agreements: From the Proposed Taiwan-US FTA to the Cross-Strait ECFA


參與區域經濟整合的困境是我國國際貿易地位停滯不前的重要因素,這是過去近二十年來一系列對外貿易談判挫折所造成的結果。2000 年代初期,我國與美國之間開啟了台美自由貿易協定的討論,然而最後因為行政部門的保留及美國政權輪替而功敗垂成。在兩岸方面,2010 年的兩岸經濟合作架構協定被視為我國在對外洽簽自由貿易協定的重大突破,並且促成我國與新加坡、紐西蘭簽署自由貿易協定;然而太陽花學運後,兩岸服貿協議無法獲得國會批准,並為貨貿協商帶來障礙,兩岸關係急速降溫,為台灣參與東亞經貿合作帶來高度不確定性。未來台灣應思考如何成為中美權力角力時雙方拉攏的對象,以在中美貿易關係改變後的國際框架中尋求突破。本文採取歷史研究的途徑,回顧自台美自由貿易協定的倡議到兩岸經濟合作架構協定的簽署後,台灣在參與自由貿易進程所經歷的困境與突破,以及美中兩大強權對我參與區域經濟整合的立場與政策。最後並思考未來美國新任總統川普上台之後,在美中貿易關係的改變下,我國突破困境的可能途徑。


The difficulty in participating in regional economic integration stagnates Taiwan's ranking among world trading countries. This difficulty results from a sequence of failures for Taiwan on signing free trade agreements with major trading partners. In the early 2000s, Taiwan entered into discussion free trade agreement with the U.S. However, due to the reserved position of the Bush administration and the party-alternation of the US, the proposed Taiwan-US FTA is failed to be concluded. In contrary, the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) in 2010 was a huge breakthrough of Taiwan's participation in free trade negotiation, making possible the subsequent Taiwan- New Zealand economic cooperation agreement and Taiwan-Singapore economic partnership agreement. However, after the "Sunflower Student Movement" in Taiwan, Cross-Strait Trade Agreement in Service was unable to be ratified. The failure impeded the following negotiation of Cross-Strait Trade Agreement in Goods, cooling down the cross-strait relations sharply and bringing huge uncertainty for Taiwan's future participation in the economic cooperation in East Asia. To seek a breakthrough of the international framework after the changes of Sino-US relations, Taiwan should make effort to turn itself a valuable actor during the bargain between the US and China. This article takes a historical approach to review the difficulties Taiwan had faced and the progress it had made during the period from the discussion of Taiwan-US FTA in the 2000s to Cross- Strait ECFA in the 2010s. Also, this article also discusses the positions and policies of two great powers, the US and PRC, regarding Taiwan's participation in regional integration. Last but not least, this article also discusses Taiwan's possible strategy for further participation in economic integration after the changes of Sino-US trade relations in the Trump-Xi era.


大公報, 2013年5月24 日:http://news.takungpao.com/taiwan/lian-gan/2013-05/1632925.html。
