

To enhance the understanding of fatigue testing of asphalt mixes, especially at design stage, this study was initiated to investigate the possibility of evaluating fatigue life of asphalt mixes using simple fracture tests (i.e. Semi-Circular Notched Bending (SCNB) Test). Results have shown that a viable correlation exists between parameters determined by monotonic and cyclic SCNB, and based on these results three models were developed using statistical analysis. It was illustrated that monotonic strain energy had better prediction of fatigue life of asphalt mixes than other parameters. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate these models. Tornado plots and extreme tail analyses showed that the strain energy parameter had the most contribution to fatigue life predictions among evaluated parameters. Finally, these models were developed not to replace traditional tests of fatigue life assessment, but to serve as a screening tool and help eliminate weak mixes before conducting more sophisticated and time consuming tests. Thus, pavement mix fatigue life of various mixes could be compared without the use of expensive and time consuming fatigue testing.


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