  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Streptozotocin-induced Hyperglycemia Produces Dark Neuron in CA3 Region of Hippocampus in Rats


Dark neurons have been reported in many pathological conditions, such as epilepsy, ischemia and hypoglycemia. All these pathological conditions cause increased extracellular excitatory neurotransm itters like glutamate. Glutamate has been involved in dark neuron formation. Increased extracellular glutamate has been reported in hippocampus of diabetic state. We aimed to study the effect of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on dark neuron formation in CA3 region of diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced by a single intrape ritoneal (IP) injection of streptozotocin (STZ) at a dose of 60 mg/kg dissolved in saline. C ontrol Animals w ere injected w ith saline only. In the end of 8 weeks, the brains were removed and hippocampi studied by gallyas method and transmission electron microscopy. Dark neurons in CA3 region of STZ -induced diabetic group showed high darkly Stained somata and axons. Dark neurons also showed shrinkage and detachment from surrounding tissues. Ultastructurally injured neurons in CA3 region of diabetic rats showed dark and electron dense appearance, chromatin condensation, margination and clumping. Present results showed that STZ-induced diabetes produces dark neuron in CA3 pyramidal layer of diabetic rats after 8 weeks. The mode of death in dark neurons is apoptosis.


CA3 dark neuron diabetes rat and stereptozotocin
