  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Histological Signs of Neurodegeneration in the Cerebrum of Rats Fed with Diet Containing Yaji: The Complex Nigerian Suya Meat Sauce


The aim of this histological study is to determine the neurodegenerative changes that might be associated with an indiscriminate consumption of a Nigerian meat sauce called "Yaji", based on the fact that there is evidence that some of its constituents have excitotoxic potentials. Eighteen weeks old white albino rats of an average weight of 170 g were used for this study that lasted for two weeks. They were divided into eight groups (A-H). Group A rats served as control and were fed with normal feed (growers mash) only, while groups B-H served as the test groups and w ere fed with normal feed plus graded levels of "Yaji" (B, 10; C, 20; D, 30; E, 40; F, 50; G, 60 and H, 70%). The stained brain tissue micrographs showed neurogenerative changes (vacuolations, pyknosis and cavitations) in the cerebrum of the test rats irrespective of the dosage. Our findings suggest that an excessive consumption "Yaji" is capable of inducing brain tissue damage and this is likely dependent upon the concentration of those ingredients with excitotoxic potentials in a given measure of "Yaji". It is our opinion that there is a need to regulate the production and consumption of "Yaji".
