

Whole fruit utilization using extrusion technology has received limited attention in the food processing industry. The objective of this study was to investigate the utilization of prickly pear fruit solids in extruded food products. Peeled prickly pear fruits were ground to form a paste. This paste was strained to remove the seeds and then mixed with rice flour in three different solid ratios. The three blends were dried to a moisture level of 13% (w/w basis) and ground to form fine flour. These feed mixes were extruded in a twin screw extruder (Clextral EV-25) at a feed rate of 15 kg/h, feed moisture content of 13% (w/w), screw speed of 400 rpm and L/D ratio of 40:1. The temperature profile from feed to die end was maintained as: 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120, 140℃. The extruded products were analyzed for physical and textural properties. Apparent density and breaking strength of the cactus pear extrudates increased from 116.07 to 229.66 kg/m^3 and 58.5 to 178.63 kPa, respectively with increase in fruit solid level. However, true density, porosity and radial expansion ratio decreased from 837.89 to 775.84 kg/m^3, 86.12 to 70.34% and 12.37 to 6.6, respectively with increase in fruit solid level. This study demonstrated the potential of extrusion processing to utilize peeled cactus pear fruits for production of expanded food products.


Cactus pear rice flour twin screw extrusion
