



摘要 結論 原創性 重要性 邏輯性 完整性


Some suggestions and general guidelines are proposed for searching, reading and writing of academic papers especially in the fields of biomechatronics. Using appropriate keywords, suitable papers can be systematically found or downloaded from on-line databases. A qualified article should possess novelty, significance, logicalness and completeness, and was lucidly written in a well-organized manner and acceptable format. Conventionally, an article should be entitled in less than 15 words (the TITLE), supported with several representative ”KEYWORDS” and summarized as a mini-paper around 100-250 words (the ABSTRACT). These (TITLE, KEYWORDS and ABSTRACT) retrieved and summarized critical information efficiently from the subsequent sections (INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSIONS and CONCLUSIONS). The INTRODUCTION section provides brief and upto-date background knowledge and entices the readers with clear motivation for the study. The MATERIALS AND METHODS section describes the necessary details for repeating the experiment. In the RESULTS section, only the most crucial data should be selected, analyzed and elucidated with figures, tables and the text. The well-organized INTRODUCTION and RESULTS sections initiated the following profound DISCUSSIONS and substantial CONCLUSIONS sections, which should always be stated concisely and lucidly. Excellent research works may set up a new academic milestone to accelerate the historical progress.


Abstract Conclusion Novelty Significance Logicalness Completeness
