  • 期刊


The Analysis of Gifts in "Liao Zai Zhi Yi"-A Story of Female Fox Ghosts




Pu Song-ling, the author of ”Liao Zai Zhi Yi”, explored the meaning of gift throughout three stories of the book. He portrayed the various aspects of gifts which contains different meanings between the givers and receivers as well as between the female fox ghost and the human beings.In the first story, a female fox ghost wad traded by her sister for she took some treasure from a man. The second story portrayed an ugly fox ghost exchange her money to own a man she loves. Once the man owned the money, he no longer agreed to fulfill the obligation of the deal between them. However, the man died, she has no way to recollect her money through the man's son...Overall speaking, the author attempt to explain the different nature of gifts, for example, gift can be something good for trade between two parties; it can be an object which establishes certain kind of relationship between the two parties. In order to keep a balanced relationship, one party is able to receive certain rights, while the other one needs to fulfill its obligation continually. Once this balance was broken, the relationship was also shattered, and the repayment will be pursued by the giver. According to the author, gifts and the deeds related to the gifts were meant to explore the aspects of gifts between genders, human minds, social values and ethics, etc.


gift female fox ghost exchange rights and obligation
