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Effective Use of Public-Private Partnerships to Promote Discussion of Policyin Order to Bid for the 2017 World University Games as an Example




Total bid 5 World University Games, bid experience for up to 14 Years, and finally in 5 By Taipei City, in 2011 Year 11 Months selected to 2017 World University Games host city. The bid, the Government used to perform public-private partnerships, and their success factors and implementation process is worth looking into. By way of experience and by discussion on the literature data, and interviews with business executives to know the mode of policy development, implementation, partnership model and the roles and responsibilities of each other, and to clarify their success factors, hopes the discussion will give the Government of the future learn a milepost. Another this bid success, brings soft, and hardware of construction, will will shaping city new development, and all public even national of enthusiasm participation, also implementation health city concept, breakthrough existing diplomatic practices, more validation out in participation International Affairs Shang, Government no longer is only of acts who, to Government and private sector of partnership relationship, more can success towards to international space and upgrade international visibility.
