  • 期刊


The Effect of the Sitting Balance Ability in Different Mode of Dynamic Sitting Balance Training


划船運動是熱門水域活動之一,而進行划船運動過程中,唯有人體能平穩坐在船艙中才能有效發揮肌肉動力,進而順暢執行划船動作,以達最佳運動表現,因此動態坐姿平衡是初學划船運動時的重要學習目標。本研究以自願參與的大專生為主,隨機分成陸上訓與水中訓練兩組,男女各15名,兩組均利用C艇進行六週訓練,每週訓練二次。為避免學習效益影響測試結果,利用划船測功儀,摒除船槳部分,製造坐姿不穩定的環境,並利用傾斜計測試坐姿平衡資料,之後採成對樣本t檢定考驗訓練前後平衡能力之差異。結果為:水上訓練組的前後測具有顯著性差異(p < .05);陸上訓練在訓練前後卻未達顯著性差異(p > .05),然而,全體受試者在訓練前、後具有顯著性差異(p < .05),且最佳訓練效果出現在第四週。因此,建議欲從事海洋舟划船運動的初學者可先在小範圍的水域中,直接進行四週、每週三次的坐姿平衡訓練,將可以提升划船運動表現。


Background: Dynamic sitting balance is an important learning target for the sea boat beginner. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of the sitting balance ability in sea and land dynamic sitting balance (DSB) training. Methods: Thirty health subjects were recruited as subjects (15 males and 15 females, age: 21.18 years old). Subjects were randomizing assigned into two groups: land group and sea group. There were six weeks training (3 times per week) by sea boat. The rowing ergometer and gradienter were used as equipment to testing subject’s DSB ability. Pair samples t-test was used to compare the DSB between pre and post training. A level of p < 0.05 was set as significant on all tests. Results: The results showed that sea group had significantly improvement of DSB after six weeks training; whereas land group did not. Moreover, the best training effect was in the forth week. Conclusion: This study suggests the small area of sitting balance training in sea was effective strategy to learn rowing for the beginner.
