  • 期刊


Aboriginals and Hans, Family Background and Their Relationship with the Basic Competence Test, and Educational Tracking: A Study in Taitung




Taitung, a county known for having the highest percentage of Aboriginal population and lowest SES (Socioeconomic status) of residents in Taiwan, is ranked the lowest in the Basic Competence Test. What effects do Aboriginal and Han ethnic groups and their respective family backgrounds have on their Basic Competence Test scores, their enrollment to upper secondary education, and educational tracking? According to our literature review, no study has yet addressed this question. The data of this study were obtained from the ”Taitung Educational Panel Survey.” By compiling the Basic Competence Test scores and enrollment information collected in 2006, the above question was examined. The main findings are as follows. Although the overall student enrollment of upper secondary education was approximately 100 percent regardless of student background, the enrollment rate of Han students in public senior high schools (which has been deemed the optimal educational tracking measure for future socioeconomic status attainment) was far higher than that of Aboriginal students. The enrollment rate of Aboriginal students in private vocational schools (deemed the least optimal educational tracking measure for future status attainment) was far higher than that of Han students. Despite the fact that Aboriginal students were granted an additional one-third on their original scores on the Basic Competence Test, Aboriginal student scores were still much lower than Han students; and so was the future status attainment following their educational tracking. It was found that their disadvantageous family background is the main factor explaining their lower academic performance.


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