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Nursing Experiencing Caring for a Patient Repeated Hospitalized for Heart Failure




This paper describes ICU nursing care for a patient with heart failure who was repeated hospitalized due to recurring cardiopulmonary distress. Using Gordon 11 functional assessment and analysis, we identified that the case had impaired ventilation, a deficit of home care knowledge, an intolerance for exercise intolerance, and a sense of powerlessness, The patient’s vital signs were monitored periodically, he received oxygen therapy, and his fluids were balanced to improve ventilation. Cardiac rehabilitation programs were introduced at the appropriate time point. The patient exercise tolerance improved after discharge and family members were encouraged to participate in home care, leading to an improvement in disease condition and mood. We hope that this report of our nursing experience can serve as reference underlying the importance of comprehensive clinical care of heart failure and the need for patient and family member involvement to obtaining the best quality of life for such patients.


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