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Effects of N, P, and K Fertilizers on Growth, Nutrient Uptake, and Yield of Leafy Radish (Raphanus sativus)


本研究目的在探討利用氮、磷、鉀等不同種類化學肥料,對葉蘿蔔生育及產量之影響,以期建立適宜且合理的化學肥料使用技術。試驗處理包括氮肥、磷肥及鉀肥等三種化學肥料試驗,其中氮肥試驗包括0、60、120及180 kg/ha等四級處理,磷及鉀肥試驗處理包括0、60及120 kg/ha等三級處理,分別連續進行兩期作試驗。由試驗結果顯示,第一期作葉蘿蔔產量在不同氮肥用量處理間的差異不顯著,第二期作葉蘿蔔產量在不同氮肥用量處理間有顯著差異,第一、二期作葉蘿蔔產量在不同磷、鉀肥料用量處理間的差異不顯著。葉蘿蔔採收期地上部植株氮含量隨著氮肥用量之增加而增加,且不同氮肥用量處理間有顯著差異。葉蘿蔔採收期地上部植株磷含量隨著磷肥用量之增加而增加,但不同磷肥處理間差異不顯著。葉蘿蔔採收期地上部植株鉀含量隨著鉀肥用量之增加而增加,且不同鉀肥用量處理間有顯著差異。由不同氮、磷、鉀肥料用量分別與葉蘿蔔產量指數之相關分析顯示,兩者之間有顯著的二次曲線迴歸相關,由此可推算氮、磷、鉀三種不同化學肥料的經濟合理用量,分別為120 kg N/ha、60 kg P2O5 /ha及80 kg K2O /ha。


葉蘿蔔 氮肥 磷肥 鉀肥


The aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of N, P, and K fertilizers on growth, nutrient contents, and yield of leafy radish. Two field experiments were conducted with different application rates of N, P, and K fertilizers. N fertilizer experiment has four treatments including 0, 60, 120, and 180 kg N/ha. There were both three treatments (0, 60, and 120 kg P2O5 or K2O /ha) in P and K fertilizer experiments. The results indicated that the yields of leafy radish have no significant difference among treatments in N fertilizer experiment at first crop, but there were significantly different among treatments at second crop. The yields of leafy radish have no significant difference among treatments both in P and K fertilizer experiments. The increasing of the application rate of N fertilizers increased the N contents of the shoot of leafy radish, and there were significantly different among treatments. The increasing of the application rate of P fertilizers increased the P contents of the shoot of leafy radish, and there were not significantly different among treatments. The increasing of the application rate of K fertilizers increased the K contents of the shoot of leafy radish, and there were significantly different among treatments. By multiple regression analysis, the relations between the yield index of leafy radish and the application rates of N, P, and K fertilizer were statistically significant. Therefore, the application rates with 120 (N), 60 (P2O5), and 80 (K2O) kg/ha were appropriated and suitable for leafy radish.


leafy radish N fertilizer P fertilizer K fertilizer
