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Effects of Synergistic Crops on Intercropping Systems


共榮作物的栽培,據葉佈先、龍岡豐氏指出,其方法大致可分為間作法亦稱併作法、混作法、擊退法、誘引法等,雖方法有別,作法不同,但各有長處而目標一致,應視各作物有機栽培之適宜性,而適當選擇應用。間作法為不同作物栽培於相近株旁處而有助於發育。混作法為組合兩種或以上相互間適當的作物,促進營養團收互相不影響生長。擊退法為利用有異味的不同作物由近處擊退害蟲。誘引法為種植害蟲喜好的作物於近處,從主作物誘開害蟲之為害等。永續農法除了大量使用不同有機資材充當作物營養,並用以改善土壤的物理性、化學性,促進微生物族群繁殖外,同時也講求利用作物與作物,亦即土地利用上有利之耕作體制,如多作(succession cropping)、間作(inter cropping)及混作(companion cropping)等之集約栽培。與地上及地下部分對於空間與水分、養分及日光等生長因素之配合利用。此外,並期有益昆蟲如天敵之生物防治與戀避驅隔而達到減少病蟲之目的。據有關文獻記載,已有玉米、馬鈴薯、毛豆、大蒜等很多種之合宜共榮、有益及不合共榮等作物,可資栽培參考。日本自然農法若葉會栽植60多種葉菜供應六○○戶消費者需要,他們利用青蔥與青椒間作,因蔥的根中含有相生相克物質,可幫助青椒抵抗蟲害,若將青蔥植於青椒四周,使其根部糾纏在一起,效果會更好。茄科和韭菜、瓜類與青蔥的共作等都有很好的成效。美國、法國、英國、西德、瑞士等亦都陸續組織國際永續農業連盟推行研究及拓展栽培。本省過去推行稻田的糊仔及間作栽培有一期作水稻與甘藷、瓜類、毛豆、甘蔗、茭白、葡萄等間作,以及二期作水稻與豌豆、大豆、番茄、馬鈴薯、葉菜類等間作。在一般單期作及旱地的輪作及間作栽培區更是五花八門,不勝枚舉,顯示本省農作的高度栽培技術及集約化耕作制度,共榮作物之利用早已開始,惟尚需繼續探討其有關拮抗問題,及共榮作物之利用,與有機質肥料對共榮作物的肥效。台灣由於氣候環境特殊、現有品種在不施用農藥管理經營下,作物相互間作的可行性,有待選出合宜組合,以供永續農法共榮作物之利用參考。據台中區農業改良場近年來試驗結果顯示;在永續栽培上,施用有機肥較化肥處理在單作區平均增產11.3%,在共榮作物的栽培上,施用有機肥間作區比單作區各主作甜玉米增產19.3%,馬鈴薯增產6.5%,毛豆增產36.9%,大蒜增產5%。而施用化肥間作區比單作區在主作毛豆增產55.4%,大蒜增產7.9%。適宜之共榮作物組合為秋季甜玉米間作毛豆、矮性菜豆、豌豆、花豆、花生、油菜、蔓性菜豆。冬季主作馬鈴薯間作花豆、豌豆、矮性菜豆。春季主作毛豆間作蘿蔔、萵苣、白菜。冬季主作大蒜間作胡蘿蔔、菠菜等。試驗亦顯示間作可顯著提高主作物糖度。對本省永續農法的推行,有其必要及可行性,並頗具有普遍化的潛力,惟需有關單位人員及農民的協同推動,以收時效。




The present sutdies are aimed to compare the effects of synergistic crops and organic fertilizer on the growth of main crops in intercropping systems. The results showed that the averaged yield of main crops under monocropping with organic manure application are 11.3% higher than that with chemical fertilizer application. Yields of main crops under intercropping system were higher than that under monocropping, ie 19.3% yield increase for sweet corn in the fall, 6.5% yield increase for potato in the winter, 36.9% yield increase for vegetable soybean in the spring, and 5% yield increase for garlic in the winter crop season, respectively. It was observed that under the organic fertilized condition, sweet corn perform much better in grain yield when intercropping with synergistic crops bush kidney bean, green pea, green shell bean, peanut, edible rape and pole kidney bean in the all crop season. Potato was found to give much higher yield when intercropped with the leguminous crops green pea and kidney bean in the winter season. Vegetable soybean perform better when intercropped with radish, lettuce and Chinease cabbage in the spring crop season. Further, it is suggested from the present experiment that garlic intercropped with radish and spinach is a good combination of synegistic crops in the winter crop seasons. It is concluded that leguminous crop are good crops to be used as synergistic crops to interplant with the main crop under the organic farming system.
