  • 期刊


Wetland Compensatory Mitigation: Mechanisms and Implementation in Taiwan


生態補償制度(compensatory mitigation)以創造、復育、改善或保育棲地等方式,補償因開發與建設所造成生態功能或生態價値之損害,透過補償機制與措施達到「生態功能」(ecological function)與「資源面積」(resource acreage)零淨損(no net loss)的目標。臺灣「濕地保育法」於2015年2月2日開始實施,除其第五章「開發迴避、衝擊減輕及生態補償」中明定執行補償之機制外,另頒布「衝擊減輕及生態補償實施辦法」規範補償執行程序與要點。臺灣濕地補償制度包括迴避(avoidance)、減輕(minimization)及補償(compensation)等三部分。濕地補償執行時分爲異地補償及生態補償,異地補償濕地面積至少與受損濕地相等(1:1以上),且爲位於同一水系或海域,並達到原有生態功能;生態補償措施則包括改善損失之重要濕地之棲地多樣性及水質,或進行濕地科學研究、環境教育、經營管理及維護或其他經營管理措施。其濕地生態功能補償基準則應考慮(1)水資源;(2)碳吸存;(3)生物多樣性;(4)生物棲地;(5)社會文化經濟價値等5大濕地功能要項。因此,整體濕地補償計畫執行時,應參考該濕地的保育利用計畫,並考慮濕地受開發計畫之影響,挑選合適的單一或多個功能要項訂定復育基準,並明確定出補償目標,如此始能達到濕地零淨損失並進而維護濕地之生態功能。


Compensatory mitigation is the creation, restoration, or enhancement of wetlands, to offset for wetlands that were or will be lost due to regulated activities or developed activities. Purpose of mitigation is to replace the lost wetlands or aquatic resource areas, functions and values to achieve “no net loss”. The Wetland Conservation Act was implemented on February 2, 2015 in Taiwan. There are provisions about main point and procedures of compensation mechanism in the Chapter V development avoidance, impact mitigation, and ecological compensation. In addition, for the reasons to standardize the mitigation project, the Impact Mitigation and Ecological Compensation Implement Regulations was enacted. The law and policies have been taken in adopting the “avoidance-mitigation-compensation” sequence. Wetland mitigation measures included offsite compensation and ecological compensation. The offsite compensation wetland should meet the percentage of size of compensation of no less than 1:1. In addition, compensation must be implemented on the basis of “in-kind” as the same watersheds or the sea areas. The wetlands undergoing compensation should be taken into consideration the land status and the location that may compensate the overall wetland ecosystems in Taiwan. The best of ecological compensation measures should be enhanced biodiversity, and/or minimized adverse impacts to water quality, and implemented scientific research and education in wetlands. It is important to compensate for the loss of resource area and ecological functions while the compensatory measures are taken. Therefore, the original ecological functions and the value of the wetlands would be evaluated. We suggested that five wetland functions include (1) water resource, (2) carbon sequestration, (3) biodiversity, (4) habitat, and (5) social, cultural and economic value should be concerned while the mitigation goal is set. While the compensation plan is formulated, the applicants should set up the restoration level by choosing the single or multiple wetland functions, and formulate the goal of compensation clearly according to the Wetland of Importance Conservation and Utilization Plan as well as the effects of projects on the wetlands. In this way, no net loss of the wetlands can be achieved to maintain ecological functions.
