  • 期刊


The Distribution of Chemical Forms of ^(35)S Produced from the ^(35)CI(n.p)^(35)S Reaction of Several Chlorides


以高壓濾紙電泳動法,使用各種鹼性電解液,對於硫及磷之幾種有關化合物之分離條件,加以檢討而奠立一良好之分離方法。又進一步用此法,探究氯化物經中子照射後,所生成^(35)S之化學形態之分佈情況。結果獲知KCl, RbCl及CsCl等在空氣中,經中子照射時,產生之^(35)S均為SO_4^=之形態。但NaCI, NH_4CI等在相同條件下,於空氣中照射時,則除SO_4^=外,尚形成S^= 及SO_3^=之化學形態。又KCI在真空中照射時亦可得S^=, SO_4^= 及的SO_2^= 等之化學形態。




The distribution of chemical forms of ^(35)S produced from ^(35)CI (n.p) ^(35)5 reaction of several chlorides was studied by paper electrophoresis. The filter strips (Toyo filter paper No. 53, 2x60 em) were placed in a background electrolyte. After removal from the solution, they were blotted between sheets of dry filter papers. The strips were lain flat on the glass plate. The sample solution was spotted at a point 6 cm apart from cathode end of the filter paper, and sandwitched tightly by glass plates on the top of which was placed a cooling bath. The most suitable conditions for the separation were investigated in detail, using electrolyte sodium formate, sodium acetate, sodium propionate, or sodium lactate, each in combination of sodium hydroxide to adjust the proper pH value. The separation of SO_4^=, SO_3^=, S^=, PO_4^≡, PO_3^≡ and element sulfur from one another was carried out successfully in 1.5 hours using 0.1 M sodium acetate+0.1M NaOH, pH=12.90, as electrolyte at 1500 v (25 v/cm), 0°C. The chemical forms of sulfur and phosphorus produced in neutron irradiated targets, such as potassium chloride, sodium chloride, rubidium chloride, cesium chloride, ammonium chloride, and hydrazine hydrochloride irradiated at JRR-1 in atmosphere, and potassium chloride irradiated under reduced pressure 10^(-4)mm Hg, were studied by paper electrophoresis described above. The results show that KCI, RbCI and CsCI when irradiated by neutron, produce ^(35)S all in the form SO_4^= in the atmosphere. But NaCI, NH_4CI, etc, under the same condition, give S^= and SO_3^= as well as SO_4^= , At the same time, KCI under vacuum yields S^=, SO_3^= and SO_4^=.




