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Lineage and Transmission: Integrating the Chinese and Tibetan Orders of Buddhist Nuns





There are four-fold assembly of disciples in Buddhism: bhiksu and bhiksuni, (fully ordained men and women) upasaka and upasika (lay men and women). In Tibetan Buddhism the assembly of bhiksuni is non-existent. As Tibetan Buddhism becomes more and more popular in the world, it faces more and more criticism of its nonexistence of a bhiksuni order, as it indicates more or less a sex discrimination. Recently two seminars on the bhiksuni ordination and the possible establishment of a Tibetan Bhiksuni lineage were held in Taiwan and Dharamsala. In response to this movement, this paper deals with the issues concerning the bhiksuni ordination in different vinaya traditions, the Chinese Bhiksuni ordination and how a Tibetan Bhiksuni lineage can be established. Specifically, the paper includes three parts. The first part compares bhiksuni ordination in different vinaya traditions, including Dharmagupta, Mularsarvastivada, Theravada, Mahasanghika, etc. The second part discusses as how the Chinese Bhiksuni order was established, the procedures of the ordination and the validity of the Chinese Bhiksuni lineage. The last part deals with the issues concerning the establishment of a Tibetan Bhiksuni order, including the difference of the pratimoksa between Dharmagupta and Mulasarvastivada, the single and dual ordinations, the possibility of the combination of two different vinaya lineages. Finally, the ways for the establishment of a Tibetan Bhiksuni sangha are suggested.


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