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Linguistic Perspectives in Taiwan during the Period of Japanese Rule: A Glimpse at Studies of Lexical and Semantic Issues in Taiwanese




The paper explores some aspects in Taiwanese Grammar (Chen 1934), a landmark in the development in linguistic studies in Taiwan under Japanese rule, focusing in particular on lexical and semantic issues in Taiwanese such as diminutive suffixes, semantic extension prompted by metaphor and metonymy, comparison of verbal and nominal alternation in Taiwanese and Japanese, the distinction of object and complement, the binary graphic representation of the polyfunctional word ka , and the tripartite functioning of hoo as a verb of giving, a causative verb and the agentive marker in the passive. Furthermore, a rough comparison is attempted with respect to the lexical treatment in Douglas (1873) and Ogawa et al (1931-32).


Douglas, Rev. Cartairs. 1873. Chinese-Inglish Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy with the Principal Variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew Dialects. London: Trubner and Co.
小川尚義等. 1931. (編). 《臺日大辭典》上冊,臺北:臺灣總督府。
小川尚義. 1932. (編). 《臺日大辭典》下冊,臺北:臺灣總督府。
川合真永. 1912. 《通信教授台灣語講義錄》,台北:台灣語通信研究會。
杉房之助. 1900a. 〈會話〉,《台灣土語叢誌》,第二號 pp.6-23. 台北:博文堂。
