  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

A Comparison Between Thiopental Sodium and Propofol for Induction of Anesthesia in Elective Cesarean Section Using Bispectral Index and Isolated Forearm Technique: A Randomized, Double-Blind Study


Objective: Although regional anesthesia is the most frequently used method for selected surgical approaches, general anesthesia (GA) is still common. Awareness and recall of events are among the main hazards during GA, particularly in Caesarean Section (C/S). In this study, we decided to compare depth of anesthesia, that was measured by Bispectral index (BIS) and isolated forearm technique (IFT) in GA, induced by propofol vs. thiopental for elective C/S. We also aimed to determine the incidence of postoperative recall using these two anesthetic medications. Methods: Ninety parturient were allocated to receive either thiopental (group T) or propofol (group P) with blocking on a 1:1 ratio. All patients underwent standard GA. BIS and IFT were used to monitor depth of anesthesia at different predetermined perioperative events. All patients were evaluated for recall of the events. Results: No patient recalled the perioperative events during the follow up period. BIS scores were significantly lower in group P compared with group T after induction of GA until discontinuation of volatile anesthetics (p < 0.001). IFT values were significantly higher in thiopental group in time interval of induction to skin incision comparing to propofol group (p < 0.050). Conclusion: The current study suggests regarding better effect of propofol on decreasing of awareness during anesthesia and surgery, it seems to be better to use propofol in cases where we are forced to use GA in cesarean section.
