  • 期刊


The Shift of Hegemony: The Discourse and Reproduction of the "Minor Revision of the Senior High School Curriculum Guidelines of History Study"




This study argues that civil society challenges the official hegemony in knowledge production and the domination of education, by investigating the discourses of intellectuals with regard to "Minor Revision of the Senior High School Curriculum Guidelines of History Study" of 2014. Newspapers were analyzed using critical discourse analysis. Focusing on the discussion on the legitimacy of policy and the rationale of historical narratives of textbooks, intellectuals not only depicted this case, with its social meaning, as illegitimate and irrational, but also from an educational perspective to encompassing broader issues of state hegemony and Taiwan's national identity. This resulted in the reshaping of this case as a social and political issue. Research findings suggest how social discourse influenced the official power in policymaking and knowledge production, marking the progress of educational modernization of contemporary Taiwan.
