  • 學位論文


A Comparison of Xen and KVM Virtualizaiotn

指導教授 : 劉邦鋒


虛擬化是現代雲端科技中不可或缺的核心技術,而虛擬化是可將一台實體機器分作多台 虛擬機器使用。虛擬化可以帶來許多優點,減少公司初期建置機房成本,提高資源使用 效率,更容易管理,但是,將機器虛擬化也會產生一些效能損失。Xen與KVM都是近年 來非常熱門的虛擬平台,但是相關的量測數據卻不多,因此,我們的目的是深入去量 化KVM與Xen的虛擬化效能,然後提供客觀的結果幫助使用者去選擇適合他們的虛擬平 台。 在本論文中,我們設計了一系列的實驗來比較Xen與KVM的虛擬機氣。第一部份的 實驗是有關於整體效能,我們觀察到一些異常的實驗結果,並且分析這些異常現象的原 因。第二部分則是測量資源隔離,當多台虛擬機器放置在同一台實體機器上時,彼此不 應該互相干擾,因此我們將會測試當一台虛擬機器效能是否會因其他同一台實體機器上 的虛擬機器所影響。藉由以上的數據,來幫助使用者做出更為正確的選擇,以滿足他們 的需求。


虛擬機器 虛擬化 Xen KVM


Xen and KVM are the most popular virtualization mechanisms nowadays, and there are increasing number of cloud systems based on them. It is inevitable that people are concerned about their performance characteristics. This comparison will be useful to those who wish to build cloud systems, and need to determine which virtualization mechanism will better suit their needs. In this dissertation we design a series of experiments for testing and comparing Xen and KVM virtual machines. The first set of experiments focus on comparing the overall performance of Xen and KVM by running general benchmarks on them. We observe the experiments results, discover several anomalies, and reason for these anomalies and performance characteristics. The second set of experiments measuring performance isolation. When virtual machines run in the same host, they should not interfere with other. We present detailed experiment results on performance isolation, and these results provide useful informations for understanding KVM and Xen infrastructures. We hope these discussions can help users make proper decisions when choosing virtualization mechanism to suit their needs.


Cloud computing Virtualization virtual machine Xen KVM


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