  • 學位論文


An SDK framework to facilitate development of IFC applications

指導教授 : 謝尚賢


工業基礎分類(IFC)是建築資訊塑模(BIM)領域中非常重要的一種模型交換格式,因其被設計爲可以同時儲存建築的幾何和非幾何資訊,相較于其它3D模型格式具有明顯的優勢而被廣汎應用。但一直以來IFC的應用完全依靠于各個建築、工程、施工(AEC)廠商的軟體支持,其複雜的結構和相對缺乏的文檔阻礙了一般用戶對它進行第三方開發,市面上僅有的一些IFC庫也衹是負責解析IFC格式而已,繁重的後續任務任需由使用者承擔。這樣的現狀明顯不利于IFC生態環境的發展。 本文在深入研究了IFC格式的基礎上,對IFC的對象層級和使用邏輯進行了大量的簡化,構築了一個使用者友好的軟體開發套件(SDK)框架。相較與普通的IFC庫,本SDK不僅在解析速度上更快,在藉助IDE的情況下,用戶在進行開發時效率也更高。这其中:1)優化了IFC的層級,降低了使用者的學習成本;2)引入了Planning模式,簡化了元件的查找過程;3)在優化后的層級上,又針對非幾何資料的API做了優化。 本文希望通過提出這個SDK框架,緩解IFC在整個BIM環境中應用廣汎但二次開發動力不足的情況。


Industry Foundation Class (IFC) models serve as a key feature in Building Information Modeling (BIM), whose schema can store both geometric and non-geometric data and all the relationships between them, a non-negligible advantage compared with other 3D formats. But from the first day IFC was drafted, it seemed to be only adapted among professional Architecture Engineering Construction (AEC) programs and few users were interested in third-party developments due to the complexity of IFC schema and the lack of detailed documentations. Even with the help from some IFC libraries, users still have to do their own intermediate works messing about the structure of IFC. All these lead to the awkward situation of IFC. This research comes up with an user-friendly IFC Software Development Kit (SDK) framework specifically designed for average end users, which: 1) simplifies the hierarchy of IFC so it is easier to learn; 2) introduces “Planning” so it is easier to query instances and 3) implements map interface for non-geometric data so it is easier to manipulate. Also with any modern Java IDE, it is easier to program. I hope this SDK can lower the barrier of developing and extending IFC functions for inexperienced developers, therefore the awkward situation of IFC could be likely eased.




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