  • 學位論文


Brand Loyalty of Apple community From the Perspective of Brand Relationship Evolution.

指導教授 : 謝明慧




How to raise consumer’s brand loyalty has been an important issue to many companies. Before 1970, many scholars interpreted brand loyalty only through marketer’s perspective. After 1970, some scholars began to interpret brand loyalty from the perspective of consumer psychology benefits and socio benefits which offered us more insight about brand loyalty. Furthermore some scholars used brand identification, company identification, and brand association perspectives to explain the cause of brand loyalty. However, those researches are all belong to quantitative research that lacks of the explanation of brand loyalty development context. In order to solve this problem, the perspective of brand relationship was generated to explain the development process of brand loyalty. Later, the theory of brand community, that was generated in 2001, expand brand relationship concept into four relationships including consumer-brand relationship, consumer-consumer relationship, consumer-product relationship and consumer-company relationship and discover that consumer-brand relationship was affected by the other three. Despite these discovers, a completed dynamic development process of brand relationship has not been studied yet. To comprehensively understand the dynamic development process of brand relationship, this study takes Apple community, which is famous for high brand loyalty, as example to study their brand relationship development process through in-depth interviewing with community members. Finally, this study establishes a brand relationship model and discovers that brand relationship is developed firstly through the needs for product and then to brand identification, community identification, and company identification.


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