  • 學位論文


Determination of attenuation relationships and focal mechanisms for Northern Vietnam

指導教授 : 吳逸民
共同指導教授 : 黄柏壽(Bor-Shouh Huang)


越南位處於東南亞、介於西太平洋與地中海-喜馬拉雅山地震帶東側之間,屬於中度地震活動度的地區。雖然地震活動度為中度,其仍需要考慮地震的災害防治與預防措施。近年來已有許多相關研究著重於北越地區,但仍有些基礎的地震研究尚未被建立。 本研究利用寬頻地震儀的資料來計算北越地區的芮氏規模(ML)、強地動衰減曲線與震源機制。本研究可分為三個部分,第一部分使用的資料為202 筆的地震波震形資料,其為2006 年1 月至2007 年10 月間,由14 個寬頻地震站所記錄到的36 個深度淺於36 公里的淺源地震之紀錄。藉此我們建立了新的芮氏規模距離修正曲線0 log 1.74log(


Vietnam is located in South East Asia and is bounded by the Pacific and Mediterranean–Himalaya seismic belts on its eastern, western, and southern sides,respectively. The tectonic relationship had led this territory to moderate seismic activity. Although seismicity is moderate in Vietnam, it must be seriously considered for disaster prevention and mitigation strategy. Many studies have been performed in northern Vietnam for the recent period. However, some basic seismological problems in Vietnam have still not been resolved. This work describes the use of broadband data to determine basic seismological problems such as the local magnitude scale, the strong ground motion attenuation curves, and the focal mechanisms for northern Vietnam. Three studies were conducted. One study using broadband data comprised a total of 202 amplitude records from 14 broadband stations. The records were obtained from 36 shallow earthquakes with focal depths of less than 36 km that occurred in and around northern Vietnam from 01/2006 - 10/2007. The new distance-correction function obtained from this study was log 1.74log( ) 0.00048 0.522, 0


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