  • 學位論文


Accessibility Study for Pipeline Maintenance

指導教授 : 康仕仲


管線維運在現代建築以及建築資訊模型等相關研究中,逐漸成為優先考量的議題之一。工程人員在管線維運期間的設備及管線可及性,為設計和管理階段重要的考量因素。早期研究曾探討多重機電管線的複雜度以及資訊視覺化的重要性,然而現有工具並無法有效預測管線的操作可及程度和維護難易,在設計階段卻又很少考慮到中期的操作及後期的管理維護。本研究將管線在維運階段的可及性,分為以下三個類別:可視性(Visual Accessibility)表示人眼可看到的管線部分、可達性(Approachable Accessibility)表示空間內人員可以到達的區域、可操作性(Operational Accessibility)表示人員可直接操作的管線範圍。針對提出之三種可及性類別建立數學模型,並討論其人因細節,探討人員在維運期間對於管線操作及維護的各種情境和可及程度。本研究開發一工具(VAO Checker),透過即時分析,將管線可及性的資訊視覺化。並進行使用者測試評估其使用性及效率,分析結果顯示VAO Checker比2D平面圖以及3D模型有更高的正確率,表現度也比傳統的2D平面圖好。管線設計者能透過此工具清楚瞭解管線可及性的相關資訊,並規劃適合工程人員操作和維護的管線路徑,並展望未來能整合此研究,建立周全的資料庫做為管線路徑設計優化的參考。


Pipeline maintenance is becoming an important issue in modern construction and building information model (BIM) research. An understanding of pipeline accessibility considerations in terms of maintenance is essential for planning and management. Previous studies have highlighted the complexity of multi-pipes including mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) pipelines and the importance of information visualization, but few have proposed a way to consider accessibility problems during maintenance. Therefore, this study develops a systematic method to evaluate accessibility with respect to pipeline maintenance. We first divided pipeline accessibility into three categories: (1) visual accessibility—the visibility for an inspector to view; (2) approachable accessibility—the difficulty for an inspector to approach; and (3) operational accessibility—the pipeline that can be operated by the inspectors. We created mathematical models and discussed the ergonomic details about each category. We then developed a user interface, VAO Checker, in which V, A and O stand for visual, approachable and operational respectively, to display visual information about pipeline accessibility. Through instantaneous analysis, the system visualizes the accessibility of the pipelines. We visually represent the intersection and union of these three categories to illustrate the varying accessibility of pipe elements. A usability test was conducted to validate the system’s effectiveness. The results of the usability analysis show that users have higher correctness when using VAO Checker than 2D plan drawing and 3D model, and they evaluate the performance of this tool better than 2D plan drawing. Pipeline designers can benefit by using this tool to sketch a suitable traffic flow for engineers to investigate. Furthermore, the substantial amount of information saved in the layout database could be referenced for future optimization.


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