  • 學位論文


The Impacts of R&D, Foreign Investment, and Export on Catch- up: Evidence from China Manufacturing Industries

指導教授 : 林惠玲


為了解中國製造業近年來快速發展的原因,本文利用中國國家統計局所 出版的2006-2011中國統計年鑒中的二位數層級製造業產業別資料為主要研究 基礎,以中國29個製造產業、6年資料分析中國各製造產業在勞動生產力上的 表現與成長,且針對中國個別製造產業分析其產業在研發投入、外商投資與 出口上的表現。除了產業的勞動生產力外,也以資本比例作為區分內、外資 廠商的標準,考慮內資企業相對於外資企業勞動生產力的差距(追趕指標) 的大小,用以定義追趕指標,重新檢視中國製造業在國際競爭中相對的比較 利益優勢。以固定效果模型從研發投入、外商投資與出口等角度衡量中國國 內製造業生產力「追趕」外國廠商的影響效果,解析中國製造業成長動能。 由實證估計得到了以下結論:產業的R&D投入、來自外國資金的固定投資金 額與出口都對追趕係數的提升有顯著正向的影響,其中R&D投入與外國投資 的影響力又高於出口。在產業資料中,R&D投入與外國投資間具有正項的互 補效果,然而R&D投入與出口的交叉項卻呈現負項影響。從實證結果可推知 中國在外資政策上獲得顯著成效,外商資金與技術流入的成功帶動中國製造 業的生產力成長,也同時推升其國內廠商相對外國廠商間的競爭力。


Based on China Statistical Yearbook of the year 2006 to 2011, this paper tries to find the motivations which impel the huge productivity growth in China. This study is mainly focus on the labor productivity of 29 different Chinese manufacturing indu- stries in 6 years and considers the trends of R&D input, foreign investment, and ex- ports in each individual manufacturing industries. This paper takes the capital share from foreign countries as a standard to show the productivity gap between the dome- stic firms and foreign firms. In this way, I define the index of “catch-up” to re-insp- ect the comparative advantages of China manufacturing industries among the global economic competition. According to the statistic results gotten from fixed effect mo- del, R&D input, fixed investment from foreign countries and export show a sign- ificant positive effect towards the catch-up index. R&D input and fixed investment are the more crucial factors than export when talking about the motivation of catc- hing up effect. The results also indicate the positive complementation influence wh- ich exists between R&D input and fixed investment towards catch-up index. Based on these empirical results, I may claim that more and more foreign companies has moved to China not only drives the growth of productivity of manufacturing indus- tries in China, but boost up the domestic fir-ms’competitiveness.


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