  • 學位論文


Using Factor Analysis to Investigate Water Quality and Soil Properties in Ba-yien Area

指導教授 : 張文亮


由於農業活動的改變與坡地的開發,許多農村中常見的動、植物瀕臨消失,環境生態遭破壞。為了在社會與自然取得平衡,使環境資源能永續利用,因此農村生態所提供的生態系統服務日漸受到重視。八煙聚落居民與自然和諧相處的生活型態和自然環境,以及民間團體協助改善當地圳路與環境生態,為農村轉型的典範。為期望協助八煙地區轉型成永續發展的生態社區的範例,因此,本研究針對八煙聚落在不同土地利用類型上的土壤特性變化及不同圳路的水質特性與生態調查作探討探討。 本研究調查方法為針對八煙集水區進行土壤採樣量測,以及聚落內三條圳路的水質採樣。利用因子分析探討在不同土地利用下土壤特性的變化,以及找出三條不同圳路的水質特性。 研究結果發現,土壤酸鹼值因子為本研究區域區分不同土地利用型態的主因。農田的土壤pH值6.37高於其他土地利用類型,因農田引水灌溉會使土壤的化學性質改變,所以水田的維持有助於改變土質,提高土壤吸收營養的有效性,有助於生態系統服務。 此外,八煙聚落內不同圳路有不同的水質特性,圳路一因材質為混凝土,碳酸氫根濃度(25.32mg/L)較其他圳路高。圳路二因水源受上游養殖場排放水影響,使其水中的正磷酸鹽濃度(0.05mg/L)較其他水路高。圳路三因位置位於聚落海拔較低處,匯集了許多農田回歸水,使其水質具有較高濃度的硫酸鹽。在生物調查記錄中,圳路一為三條圳路中唯一沒有記錄到生物的圳路,圳路二生物種類有3種共7隻,圳路三生物種類有4種共13隻,以圳路三之辛普森生物多樣性指數為最高。


Due to the changes in agricultural activities and the development of hillside, many common animals and plants threatened with the extinction and the environmental and ecological deterioration in rural areas. In order to strike a balance between the society and nature and make environmental resources sustainable, the ecosystem services in rural areas cause increasing attention. Bayien is the model of the rural transformation. The residents live in harmony lifestyle with natural environment, and the NGOs help them improve the local irrigation channel and environment. Therefore, this study is to identify the interaction between residents and the natural environment of harmonious coexistence by investigating bayien landscape environment, soil and water quality in irrigation channel, so that it can help other rural areas transfer to the sustainable and ecological community. The method is using the factor analysis to discuss the changes of soil qualities in the different land use type, as well as to identify water quality characteristics of three different irrigation channels. The results show that the factor of pHin the study area is the major distinction of different land-use patterns. The soil in paddy field has the higher pH (6.37) than other land use types. The farmers use the water from mountain for the irrigation for the long time and this cause the effect that the soil chemical properties change. It shows that Maintaining the paddy field will help to improve soil quality. In addition, bayien irrigation channel have different quality characteristics. Irrigation channel 1 is made of concrete, therefore the concentration of HCO3- (25.32mg/L) is high. Due to there is the farms discharge in upstream, the orthophosphate concentration (0.05mg/L) in the irrigation channel 2 is higher than other irrigation channels. Irrigation channel 3 is located in the lower altitude of bayien village. There are many irrigation return flow go into the channel, so its water quality has a higher concentration of sulfate. In the biological survey records, the irrigation channel 1 was found no species. The irrigation channel 2 recorded 7 of 3 species. The irrigation channel 3 recorded 13 of 4 species and has the highest Simpson’s biodiversity index.


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