  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Studies of the Hetero-polynuclear Ru/Co and Rh/Co Metal String Complexes Coordinated by Symmetric Naphthyridinyldiamine Tetradentate Ligand

指導教授 : 彭旭明


本論文中以 N2,N7-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,8-naphthyridine-2,7-diamine (H2DAniDANy) 對稱型四氮配基,合成兩種系列的異核金屬錯合物,分別為釕鈷系列的 [Ru2(HDAniDANy)4]( BF4) (1A)、[Ru2Co(DAniDANy)3(HDAniDANy)] (1B)、[CoRu2Co(DAniDANy)4 ](BF4) (1C)、[Ru2(DAniDANy)(HDAniDANy)3]( PF6) (1D);與銠鈷系列的[Rh2(HDAniDANy)4] (2A)、[Rh2Co(DAniDANy)(HDAniDANy)3]( BF4) (2B)。藉由晶體結構與磁性行為上的鑑定,可以確定各個金屬錯合物上的金屬價數。在各錯合物中異金屬間的距離比較上,錯合物 2B 中銠鈷之間的 2.69 A 為本論文異金屬錯合物中最短的,其次為 1C 中釕鈷的 2.80 A 與 1B 中釕鈷的 3.25 A。 2B 中銠鈷之間的距離 2.69 A 稍稍落在 Co-Co 鍵的 2.265 – 2.374 A 與 Rh-Rh 鍵的 2.389 – 2.570 A 範圍之外 ,可能具有異金屬鍵結,但從磁性鑑定的結果推斷 2B 中的兩個二價銠為逆磁的磁性中心,末端的二價鈷為 S = 3/2 高自旋的磁性中心,兩磁性中心互相獨立,異金屬 d 軌域之間並無交互作用,故判斷 2B 中並沒有異金屬鍵結。而 2B 的異金屬距離相較 1B 、1C 短的原因應為 2B 中的雙核銠金屬正電荷數較 1B 、 1C 中的雙核釕金屬少,故對二價鈷的斥力較小,銠鈷之間的距離便得以縮短。在釕鈷系列異金屬錯合物方面,1B 是合成 1C 時的中間產物,藉由 1A、1B、1C 的單晶結構分析,可以得知四核釕鈷異金屬串 1C 生成的反應機構必包含了配基位移、配基脫氫離子、金屬配位這三個步驟。而對銠鈷系列異金屬錯合物而言,雖缺少四核銠鈷異金屬串做為佐證,但比較 1A、1B、2A、2B 的晶體結構可以推斷其生成機構應與釕鈷系列錯合物類似。


With the use of N2,N7-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,8-naphthyridine-2,7-diamine (H2DAniDANy), a symmetrical tetradentate ligand, new series of HMSCs, [Ru2(HDAniDANy)4]( BF4) (1A), [Ru2Co(DAniDANy)3(HDAniDANy)] (1B), [CoRu2Co(DAniDANy)4](BF4) (1C), [Ru2(DAniDANy)(HDAniDANy)3](PF6) (1D), [Rh2(HDAniDANy)4] (2A) and [Rh2Co(DAniDANy)(HDAniDANy)3](BF4) (2B) were synthesized. From the experimental results of X-Ray crystallography and magnetic measurements, we can assign the charges of metal ions in these HMSCs. Complex 2B possesses the shortest heterometallic distance (Rh-Co 2.69 A) among these HMSCs, followed by complex 1C (Ru-Co 2.80 A) and complex 1B (Ru-Co 3.25 A). The heterometallic distance in complex 2B (Rh-Co 2.69 A) lies slightly outside the Co-Co (2.265 - 2.374 A) and Rh-Rh (2.389 - 2.570 A), may indicate the existence of heterometallic bond. But judge from the magnetic data, the dirhodium (II, II) unit and cobalt (II) are two independent metallic centers, there is no interaction between the 4d orbital in Rh and 3d orbital in Co. So there is no heterometallic bond in complex 2B. The decrease in heterometallic distance must result from the decrease in electric repulsion between the dirhodium (II, II) unit and cobalt (II) in complex 2B, compared to the more positive diruthenium (II,III) unit and cobalt (II) in complexes 1B and 1C. Furthermore, we know that complex 1B is the reaction intermediate in the synthesis of complex 1C. So from the analysis of the crystal structure of complexes 1A, 1B and 1C, we can know that the reaction mechanism of the synthesis of HMSC 1C include ligand displacement, ligand deprotonation and metal coordination. For the Rh and Co HMSCs in this thesis, we lack the X-Ray crystallography data of tetranuclear HMSC. But judge from the analysis of the crystal structure of complexes 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B, it’s very likely that the synthesis of Rh and Co HSMCs undergoes the same mechanism as Ru and Co HSMCs.


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