  • 學位論文


How the Island's Waters Provide for its People - Conception of Water with Social Change in Iraraley Village, Lanyu

指導教授 : 畢恆達


蘭嶼在沒有糧食輸入的時代中,掌握水資源是生存必要的手段。水是生命之源,對於水的掌握,關連子孫繁衍。水的利用與管理,更是累積社會聲望的關鍵。水在人際社會關係中是紛爭的來源也可能是修補關係的橋樑,它具有豐富的社會性質。 本研究介紹朗島部落的水地景樣貌如溪流、水源、水渠道、分水道,並討論灌溉用水與民生用水在社會文化變遷下的變化。雖然達悟人可以利用外來糧食生存,但灌溉用水使用的方式,所建構出的社會制度,仍然是達悟文化的核心。外來糧食及生活型態的變化,使達悟人掌握的水源也用在民生需求。水管和國宅影響人們取用日常用水的方式,由人移動到部落公共水井取水,轉變為利用水管引水到家屋。六成以上達悟人使用自己的水源,自行買水管引水而不使用自來水公司配送的水。原因是水的好壞、私有水源以及付費,但自來水的便利性也讓使用的人漸增。 水流過歷史,反映出達悟人在封閉島嶼環境所發展出的生存文化,受到外來物質文化的影響,所呈現的適應、融合與衝突。達悟不同世代因為生存空間環境的經驗不同,以致對於水的認知也從生計經濟主要資本,而增加了變遷帶來的用水方式及認知,島上的水仍然以不同的形態,供應島上人的生存與未來。


In the past, when Lanyu was completely isolated and it was impossible to import food from the outside, private ownership and control of water resources had been the essential means to survival. Water is the source of life; possessing water is vital to raising a family and continuing one’s descent line. Besides, the utilisation and management of water resources is key to accumulating social prestige. Water embodies an abundance of social qualities: It causes strife but is also an intermediary for reconciliation in social and personal relationships. This paper takes a look at the Iraraley (Langdao) village’s water landscape including rivers and streams, headwaters, stone aqueducts and diversion channels in Lanyu, and then considers the changing patterns in water use for irrigation and domestic home life as the people undergo social and cultural change. Although it imported food from outside is available for Tao people’s survival today, the social institution they have constructed through the way they use irrigation water traditionally is still the core of Tao culture. Externally provided food and lifestyle changes make it possible for Tao people to use their property waters in the home, while publicly installed pipes and council housing projects are influencing the way people obtain drinking water: from manually carrying water from the village well to piping directly into the home. Still, for concerns such as quality, private ownership of water sources and cost, more than sixty per cent of Tao people get their own pipes and use their private water sources instead of public water service provision. On the other hand, the convenience of having tap water has contributed to a growth in the number of people using public water supply services. Water flows through history reflecting development of Tao people’s survival culture in a closed island system; it also tells the story of adaptation, integration and conflict in response to the impacts of foreign material cultures into Lanyu. Different generations of Tao people experience their environment differently, resulting in a change in their conception of water – from water being the principal economic capital for sustaining livelihoods to the idea of not owning water but using public services for household water supply. From past to present, the island’s waters, by transforming into various ways and methods, still support the island’s people in their survival into the future.


陳玉美(1994)〈論蘭嶼雅美族的社會組織:從當地人的一組概念Nisoswan(水渠水源)與Ikauipong do soso (喝同母奶)談起〉。《歷史語言研究所集刊》,65(4),1029-1052。


