  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legislation Process and Execution of the Renewable Energy Development Act in Taiwan(ROC)

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


近年來隨著氣候變遷,能源需求增加,國際油價巨幅波動等議題成為全球關注的焦點,各國為達成後京都議定書時代溫室氣體減量的目標,紛紛將再生能源列為能源政策之重點,甚至成為能源發展之主流。台灣是個海島國家,極度缺乏能源,99%以上的能源仰賴進口。為確保能源供應穩定,提升我國能源供給安全,減低對化石燃料的依賴,並減少溫室氣體排放,發展再生能源因此也成為我國目前經濟發展與環境資源應用面臨的最大課題。 我國「再生能源發展條例」草案,自2001年即有國、民兩黨委員提出版本。而行政院版「再生能源發展條例」草案,於2002年8月第一次送立法院審議,經過四屆立法院之審議,並跨越政黨輪替,即民進黨及國民黨分別執政,也歷經兩次全國能源會議。 「再生能源發展條例」草案直到2009年6月12日,經過八年抗戰,終於完成立法三讀程序,同年7月8日公布施行,正式展開綠色能源新紀元。我國「再生能源發展條例」之立法不但向國際社會宣示台灣重視環保、生態、永續的未來,藉由增加經濟面的誘因與排除技術面的障礙,期望國內再生能源將蓬勃發展,帶動經濟成長,增加就業機會。 本文的研究目的,首先在於找出我國「再生能源發展條例」立法延宕八年之癥結,期能有助於縮短類似法案立法時程;其次,針對我國「再生能源發展條例」立法實施後,面臨之困境與挑戰進行檢討,並檢視德國成功施行再生能源獎勵政策與做法,以及比較中國大陸與日本之再生能源補貼措施,以從中得到啟示,作為下階段我國再生能源發展之借鏡。 本文從公共政策角度思維,將「再生能源發展條例」之立法時期,依立委屆期分三個階段討論,分別為:(一)萌芽期:2001-2005年。(二)倡導期:2005-2008年。(三)關鍵期:2008-2009年。綜合文獻探討、深度訪談和筆者參與觀察,分析「再生能源發展條例」延宕八年之因素,在不同的階段,會因主客觀環境不同而有差異。綜合主要原因包括:(1)初期各界冷漠以對,法案無迫切性。(2)「朝小野大」的立法院生態及核四爭議。(3)各種再生能源之利益不均及躉購費率爭議。 不過最後,由於國際潮流推波助瀾,馬英九總統在全國能源會議上信心喊話,透過黨團協商機制與媒體效應,朝野終於達成共識,我國「再生能源發展條例」於2009年6月完成三讀立法程序。 然而,「再生能源發展條例」施行以來,諸多問題逐漸浮現,包括:再生能源發電成本仍然昂貴、再生能源電能躉購費率訂定是否合理、再生能源推廣目標與補貼機制脫鉤、再生能源政策出爾反爾引起各界韃伐、台電收購再生能源角色爭議及電價合理化問題、再生能源發展基金設置公平與否等。其中,多數再生能源發電成本仍相當昂貴,恐將造成電價上漲衝擊經濟。因此,如何妥善規劃再生能源的發展目標,同時兼顧經濟發展及一般消費者的負擔,已成為政府推動替代能源的一大挑戰。 最後,由於我國「再生能源發展條例」之立法架構,主要參考德國「再生能源法」,因此本文謹以德國再生能源推廣目標之訂定、保證收購期間等立法、再生能源發展基金之用途、訂定躉購費率下限所依據之化石燃料平均成本核算基準等,提出建議修正方向。 2011年3月11日,日本東北地區外海規模9.0大地震,引發海嘯造成日本福島核電廠災害,造成日本福島第一核電廠第1-3號機組爐心融毀,引發各國對核能安全之關切及加強對核能電廠之安全評估,並審視核能發展方向。其對我國未來能源政策及綠能發展的影響,值得後續追蹤。


In the wake of issues like climate change, world energy demand up and oil prices fluctuate have become a global focus of concern, nations worldwide, aim to reach target of greenhouse gas emission reduction during post-Kyoto Protocol era, have put renewable energy be a priority of energy policy one after another. In this mainstream of global energy development, Taiwan, the Republic 0f China, a nation of sea island, due to extremely lack of energy - 99% energy depends on import, for the purpose of stabilizing and promoting secured energy supply, has also make renewable energy policy be a critical issue in economic development and environmental resources management. However, the legislation of the law is another story. It strived for eight years since 2001, four terms in congress from 4th to 7th, one party alteration in power from DPP to KMT, two times of National Energy Conference, and eight versions’ dispute, “Renewable Energy Development Act” completed Third Reading in Legislative Yuan (the Congress) on June 12, 2009, took effect later on July 8 the same year at last. It opens a new epoch of green energy in Taiwan, and proclaims that Taiwan is not only appreciating environmental protection and eco conservation, but also anticipating the drive to develop green energy industry with the use of economic initiatives and the removal of technique barriers though, lots of problems come out then. Therefore, this thesis aims, firstly, to find out causes prolonged legislative process for eight years, hoping to help shortening time-consuming legislative process of relative laws. Secondly, to review the plights and challenges we have to face after enacted this law. And thirdly, to compare incentive initiatives and policies of renewable energy successfully implemented in Germany, Japan and China, to inspire ways for us to lay the foundation of renewable energy industry development to expend all kinds of alternative energy in the future. This thesis divides the legislative session of Renewable Energy Development Act into three stages: 1) Stage of Rudiment Formation: 2001-2005; 2) Stage of Advocacy Planning: 2005-2008; 3) Stage of Critical Period: 2008-2009. After used methods of literature review, in-depth interview and participant observation, the writer found that there were different causes of prolonged periods of the legislative process in different stages. However, generally speaking, the main causes can be concluded as: 1) It is not imminent; 2) The Eco system of Legislative Yuan (the Congress) at that time was “small government versus big public;” 3) The dispute of 4th Nuclear Power Plant aggravated political party struggle; 4) The controversy in the interests and Feed-In-Tariffs for all parties. The writer also concludes that after the law come into force Taiwan has various problems in developing renewable energy includes 1) Power generation cost is too high; 2) The rate of Feed-In-Tariffs is not reasonable; 3) The government ate its words in policy; 4) TaiPower is playing a role in question and grid connection is in bigger question; 5) Electricity price is not rationalized to response to actual cost; 6) Renewable Energy Development Fund is challenged; 7) Decoupling problems between promotion targets and incentive mechanics of renewable energy are not solved. This thesis thus is trying to propose modification direction as setting explicit promotion goals, raising R&D fund, and providing guaranteed purchase time limit as Germany, for future development of renewable energy in Taiwan.


王聰榮、劉師源,2008,〈探討現今台灣再生能源應用之阻力與挑戰〉,《台灣經濟研究月刊》第 31卷第4期。


