  • 學位論文


A Study on Recognition of Civil Judgments and Civil Execution between the Taiwan Straits

指導教授 : 陳顯武


1987年7月,臺灣解除外匯管制,允許企業對外投資,為臺商間接赴大陸投資創造了條件。同年11月,我國政府開放臺灣同胞赴大陸探親。大陸地區國務院於1988年6月及時公佈了《關於鼓勵臺灣同胞投資的規定》,為臺商赴大陸投資提供了法律保障與政策條件。在這種背景下,因兩岸間人民與企業間之互動隨政策逐漸開放而日益蓬勃,相互牽扯事務繁多。也因此,兩岸人民間爭端之發生進而透過司法機關審理以解決紛爭者自是難免,更造就兩岸司法機關在審理對岸民商事件的可能性,進而需共同面對兩岸司法協助包括程序與執行等問題。 兩岸於2009年4月27日針對第三次江陳會談中,所擬訂的《海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議》,則是以兩岸共同協議的方式處理兩岸民事裁判相互承認以及執行,是兩岸司法互助以及裁判認可及執行最重要的一個依據。但協議簽訂後五年多來,兩岸間民事裁判認可和執行於實務上仍有亟待解決的若干法律問題,本研究將對其中涉及的相關問題進行梳理和分析,並提出建議。


In July 1987, the Taiwan government removed the restrictions on foreign currencies to permit out-bound investments, setting up the stage for indirect investment of private enterprises bound for Mainland China. Starting November of the same year, the Taiwan government allowed its people to visit their family remaining in Mainland China. Meanwhile, in June 1988, the State Council of People’s Republic of China promulgated “Regulations regarding the Promotion of Investment from Taiwan” in a timely manner, providing legal protections and political agenda for such in-bound investment. With this backdrop, the cross-strait interactions between individuals and enterprises have intensified both in width and depth with the increasingly open policies on the cross-strait relationship. As a result, it is inevitable that disputes will arise and are sought to be solved by way of adjudication. It also sees that the courts in one jurisdiction are likely to hear civil cases with factors related to the other jurisdiction. The courts in both jurisdictions accordingly have to deal with issues regarding mutual legal assistance, including enforcement and court procedures. On 27th April 2009, the Third Jiang-Chen Meeting between the two governments concluded by agreeing upon the “Reciprocal Cross-Strait Agreement on Combating Crimes and Judicial Assistance.” It sought to deal with the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of civil decisions rendered by the courts by way of an inter-governmental agreement. It has become the most important legal source for the purposes of mutual legal assistance and recognition. However, after five plus years after its execution, some problems concerning recognition and enforcement of civil decisions still remain unsolved. This study intends to address and analyze these relevant issues, and ultimately proposes some suggestions as a solution.


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