  • 學位論文

文萌樓的鬼 -- 都市性產業空間,從主流社會的它者到打造激進政治的原點

Ghosts in Wen-Meng-Lou: From the Othering of a Brothel to the Grounding of a Political Radicalism

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


1997年台北市政府粗暴廢娼並引發公娼抗爭起,自那時起,日日春協會就開始著力性工作的全面除罪化與去汙名化。2006年該組織提出申請,台北市政府將文萌樓 – 曾經是公娼館的前公娼抗爭總部 – 指定為古蹟,以資見證與保存自日據時代起漫長的性產業史與社區史。本文分析在2010年後,日日春如何力抗席捲台北的都市更新浪潮,並繼續力保這個性產業空間。自本世紀初始,台灣國家機器經由都市更新政策在全國及地方層次,都重新將自己打造為新的經濟成長機器。就如同文萌樓的處境所示,都更的海嘯已經侵襲每個都會與社區,資本已經快要取代歷史。替都更推土機開路的則是國家機器。新自由主義下的一連串自由化、去管制化與、以及私有化政策,打造了以虛擬房地產為籌碼的超高風險的賭場資本主義遊戲,政府作莊,全民豪賭。文萌樓,這個過去性工作者與它們的抗爭的精神象徵,並沒有默默消音,而是發出刺耳的聲響,競爭都市的意義。


When Taipei City government made an abrupt decision in 1997 to abolish its license-based prostitution system and was resisted by sex workers and their supporters, COSWAS (Collective of Sex Workers and Supporters) has been campaigning for the total decriminalization and de-stigmatization of sex work and sex workers since. In 2006, the organization succeeded in lobbying the city government to designate Wen-Meng-Lou, the brothel house and headquarter of the 1997 campaign for sex work rights, as an official heritage site. At the turn of this century, the Taiwanese authorities on both the national and local levels have successfully re-cast themselves as pro-growth regimes. The campaign of Wen-Meng-Lou demonstrates the tidal wave of gentrification invading the Taipei City that is facilitated by the deregulation and privatization of public lands. This trend in turn accelerates financial speculations based on a system of virtualization and monetization of real-estate properties.


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