  • 學位論文


Applications of co-axial electrospinning fibers in drug delivery

指導教授 : 蔡偉博


藥物釋放運用於電紡絲受到許多注目,因為經由各種方式混摻藥物進入電紡絲中,能夠加強電紡絲在各種領域中的實用性,如在組織工程中,混入不同的成長因子或蛋白質以增強細胞在貼附與生長或是各種分化上的基因表現。其中,近來同軸電紡絲在這方面的研究尤其多,因為此方式提供了多種溶劑相的選擇、藥物於絲中均勻的分佈、穩定的藥物釋放等等優點。 本實驗透過同軸電紡絲的方式,在藥物包埋的電紡絲外加上一層光交聯後高分子層,PEG混PAA-Az,作為擴散障礙以期能夠得到更穩定的釋放曲線。首先我們為了能夠有穩定的同軸電紡絲製成,而嘗試了不同的溶劑相。之後經由SEM確認電紡絲有成功的製備,之後利用螢光藥物FITC 混摻於核層的電紡絲溶液中製作電紡絲,並以雙光子共軛焦顯微鏡確認此藥物在電紡絲中的分佈情形。另外,也利用抗發炎藥物酮基布洛芬(Ketoprofen)混摻於核層的電紡絲溶液中來檢視此系統製作的電紡絲在體外的藥物釋放情形。 經過上述實驗中可以確定,核/殼狀結構的電紡絲有確實的被製做出來,但由於殼層高分子的水溶性,引起了一些初期的爆量釋放。


The combination of drug delivery and electrospinning received enormous attention, because introducing drugs into electrospun fibers via different ways could enhance the performance of electrospun fibers in different fields. For example, blending growth factors or protein to promote cell adhesion and proliferation or gene phenotype helped the tissue engineering application. In all kinds of drug encapsulation methods, researches in co-axial electrospinning is most popular, due to the versatility of this method on solvent choosing, fine drug distribution through the fibers and sustain release profile and etc. This research constructed a light induced cross-linked barrier, PAA-Az blend PEG, covered on drug loaded fibers by co-axial electrospinning expect to get more stable release profile. To construct this system, different solvent have been tried. We confirmed the fibrous structure by SEM. Blend FITC into core solution to examined the core-shell structure and FITC distribution by confocal. The anti-inflammatory drug ketoprofen was blended into core electrospinning solution to understand the in vitro release profile. Through the experiment, the core-shell structure electrospun fibers have been produced successfully. But due to high solubility of polymer shell, cause some initial burst release.


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