  • 學位論文


“Play” As a Kind of Strategy about Ethnic Identity Generate: A comparative study of four Pangcah/Amis people’s “Ilisin” ritual(festival)

指導教授 : 王梅霞


當代Pangcah/Amis人(阿美族)的「豐年祭(節)」活動歷經外部政治經濟結構影響,多數曾歷經「停辦-復振」的過程,祭儀性質亦由宗教逐漸轉換為族群意識的召喚以及向外界展示自我的發聲。在「豐年祭」祭儀/節慶中所展現的各種文化元素有其個別區域、部落的偏重,同時亦受外部政治經濟結構與歷史情境的影響-特別是近百年來國家力量的強勢與資本主義經濟的深化過程-而有其內外辯證的關係,並型塑了各地豐年祭(節)不同的樣貌。 本論文透過四個部落:花蓮縣光復鄉馬太鞍(Fata’an)、花蓮縣豐濱鄉港口(Makotaay)、臺東縣關山鎮電光(Kaadaadaan)與新福里部落的比較,發現在儀式過程與儀式之外的場合中,透過各類文化元素的展演、遊戲、戲謔關係生成濃烈的族群、部落意識與認同,其中遊戲與戲謔關係是過去研究者較缺乏關懷的面向,因此書寫的「豐年祭」流於靜態的分析,而讓人無法理解族群意識是在什麼樣的脈絡中生成,也無法自其中領會Pangcah/Amis人生活美學中幽默、詼諧,甚至是「再苦也要笑」的奧妙。 透過情緒這類主觀情感的詮釋與書寫,得以反思、再詮釋過去人類學既定模式的研究。面對四個部落豐年祭(節)活動與日常生活中都可以見到的「玩」,本論文透過換工、多音性(複音)的演唱形式中「既競爭又合作」、「找尋能力上旗鼓相當的友伴」等概念,探索了Pangcah/Amis人在理想生活典範-Fangcalay(美好)與Makapahay(俊美)的追求過程中,「Mangudu」(不好意思)做為深層的情緒核心,解決各類社會關係不平衡與衝突的化解,並以各種詼諧、戲謔的形式展現。 當代豐年祭中,除了上述文化要素-語言、服飾、樂舞、年齡階級-等作為社群邊界彰顯的基底外,「遊戲」扮演了整合、協商各類異質人群的機制,換言之「玩在一起」成為觸發族群認同意識生成的策略,而這或許不只是當代情境下的產物,而是歷史脈絡下的延續。


Because of external social political-economical structure, most of Pangcah/Amis “Ilsin” ritual (festival) had been experienced process from “Close down” to“Revival”.The ritual nature aslo transform from religion to ethnic identity. Cultural element displayed in “Ilsin” ritual depend on its own regional or historical context, especially the predominant of modern country and the intension of capitalism. My thesis try to through four Pangcah/Amis tribe: Ma-Tai-An (Fata’an), Gang-Kau (Makotaay), Dien-Koang ( Kaadaadaan), Sin-Fu-Li to illustrate “Play As a Kind of Strategy about Ethnic Identity Generate”. By the performance of variously cultural element, play, and joking relationship the Pangcah/Amis people reconstruct relation with others and self. Through work-exchange, polyphony we could find the concept of “Competition while cooperation” and further explore “Mangudu”- feel embarrassed- as a keypoint to understanding Pangcah/Amis people how to use humor, joke and play to solve unblanced social relation and potential conflict. Contemporary “Ilsin” ritual (festival), in addition to the cultural elements - language, dress, music and dance, age class - such as the highlight of the ethnic boundery, the "Play" act on integration, consultation mechanisms for various types of heterogeneous populations. In other words, "Play with each other" a sense of ethnic identity to generate the trigger strategy, which is probably not just a product of contemporary situations, but under a continuation of historical context.


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