  • 學位論文

面向腫瘤專科影像的遠端醫療綜合服務平臺 關鍵技術及商業模式研究

Study On Key Technology and Business Model of Tele-Medicine for Oncology Imaging Diagnostic Services

指導教授 : 沈中華


遠端醫療是隨著通信技術、電腦網路和多媒體技術的發展,並在醫學上不斷發展起來的一門新興學科,遠程醫療在國外的發展已有四十多年歷史,在國內雖然只不到二十多年的發展時間,卻也逐漸跟上了世界上的前沿技術,顯示出了良好的發展前景。利用遠端醫療系統,可以不受空間距離的限制,使條件好的醫療機構為異地的患者進行疾病診斷和健康護理服務,或者為異地醫生提供手術指導和疾病診斷、治療的諮詢。其最大優點是資源分享的高效性、對緊急情況能緊急處理的時效性、節省醫院和患者開支的經濟性。 本文研究腫瘤專科影像遠端醫療綜合服務平臺體系模型、預案及標準規範,研究協力廠商獨立腫瘤影像遠端診斷運營模式和商業模式,突破偏遠地區腫瘤專科影像診斷、會診、培訓、教學等一系列關鍵技術,搭建腫瘤專科影像綜合服務平臺,在此基礎上開發覆蓋省級三甲綜合醫院、區縣醫院、社區醫院和鄉鎮衛生院,基於遠端醫療等相關技術的腫瘤綜合醫療平臺,面向偏遠地區腫瘤診療方面的實際需求,以提高偏遠地區腫瘤救治能力,旨在解決長期以來都未根本解決的民眾“看病難、看病貴”的社會問題,推動衛生醫療服務多元化發展,促進與帶動醫療服務產業鏈的形成與發展。


Tele-medicine is a newly emerging subject gradually developed from modern medical practice, along with the development of communication technology, computer network and multimedia technology. Telemedicine has a history of more than fifty years abroad. Although telemedicine has been developed for only 20 years domestically, it gradually catches up with the state-of-the-art technology and shows a good development potential. The telemedicine system virtually closing up the geographicaldistance and enables the well-equipped medical institutions to provide the disease diagnosis and care to the remote patients.For example,backing up the remote doctors with step-by-step operation instructions, achieving more balanced diagnostic decisions, and arriving at a more informed treatment plan. Its major advantages include, but not limited to,maximizing the availability of highly specialized medical expertise, time effectiveness of first aid for emergencies and economical efficiency of saving the expenses of hospitals and patients. In this paper, study a tele-oncology image reading service modeland the related technical standard, develop a business model and resolve the key technology for an independent oncology image reading, consulation,training and teaching service , to build a comprehensive tumor image reading service platform, develop tele-medicine cloud to cover city hospital, district hospital, community hospital and rural hospital. It will improve healthcare quality for rural residents in remote area of China, and reduce the cost for medical expense for patient, then raise the level of satisfaction from them, government and society get the benefits from the project indeed, and also it amyprompt the development of healthcare service lines.


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