  • 學位論文


The Factors of Teenager’s Working While in School:A Case Study on Panel Data

指導教授 : 黃芳玫


本文欲分析影響青少年在學打工的決策因素,並且將之分為受訪者在高中階段與在20歲及21歲時期來討論,而高中階段又分為高中、高職與專科體系。在學打工帶給青少年的影響是正面還是負面一直是學界所爭議的焦點,抱持正面意見者表示,打工可視作為進入職場前的自我訓練,為未來踏入社會做好生涯規劃的奠基工作。但持負面意見者表示在學打工首當排擠的是學生的課業學習時間,這可能會使青少年錯失了知識獲取與人力資本累積的機會,而人力資本的價值在於日後進入職場的優勢,如此長遠的觀點看來,在學打工的影響存在著負面效果。 本研究資料來源為中央研究院社會學研究所「青少年成長歷程研究」自2000至2007年的追蹤型資料,利用Pooled probit model、Random effect probit model與Probit with sample selection model分析學生在學打工行為,與其家庭背景、個人特質、成績表現等因素間之相互影響。 根據實證結果顯示,在高中階段裡,高中體系下的男性受訪者選擇打工的機率,顯然低於女性,而在高職或專科體系並無顯著的差異,但在地區別上,對大部分受訪者而言,居住在宜蘭縣者打工機率較低,而居住在台北縣者打工機率較高。另外,受訪者父母親的存歿狀態對於子女打工行為的影響並不十分理想,而父母親婚姻對子女打工行為的效果,在高中與高職體系下父母親的婚姻較為完整者傾向於選擇不參與打工,在家庭所得方面,高中體系家庭經濟較優渥者,選擇在校打工的機率也會較低。但對於專科受訪者而言,此結果都恰為相反。父母親教育方面,則在高中職有顯著的負向影響,但在專科之下則沒有顯著差異。 在20歲及21歲時期,有進入大學的男性受訪者相較於女性而言,參與打工的機率較低,而居住在宜蘭市的受訪者在學打工的機率也較低,此與高中階段的結果一致。另外父母婚姻完整者與家庭所得較高者,在學打工的機率也會較低。


In this study, we tend to investigate the factors that influence the employment behaviors of high-school students and college students in Taiwan. Theoretically, there are controversy arguments on whether part-time job experience brings positive or negative effects toward teenagers’ outcomes when they are in school. Those who hold positive attitudes toward teenager’ employments believe that early employments would foster the development of personal responsibility, improve educational performance and occupational attainment. Those who oppose teenagers’ employments indicate that early employments affect grades by crowding out study time, and decrease net investments in human capital in the long run. The data set used for this study is a rich longitudinal youth data - Taiwan Youth Project (TYP) Phase III (2000-2007). To examine the association between teenagers’ employments and their family background, individual characteristic and academic achievements, three estimation methods are applied. They are the Pooled probit model、Random effect probit model and Probit with sample selection model. The results show that males and females in vocational education system do not have significant differences in early employments during high school years. In general education system, however, females have higher probability of getting a part-time job than males. Among students in high school year, those who living in Yi-lan county have the lowest probability of working, and students living in Taipei county have the highest ones. In addition, students with higher family income or living in an intact family are associated with a lower probability of working during high school year. In college (20 years old and 21 years old), females have higher probability to work part-time while in school than males. Those who living in Yi-lan county have lower probability to employment than living in Taipei county. Higher family income and intact family are also negatively associated with lower probability of working during college year.


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