  • 學位論文


Local Energy Governance: A Case of Residential Photovoltaic Systems in Tainan

指導教授 : 林子倫


透過使用再生能源,降低對於化石能源的使用與依賴,不僅具有減緩氣候暖化的效益,也可以提升能源安全。過去國家被視為推動再生能源的主要利害關係人,但是地方政府於推廣再生能源政策上的角色逐漸被重視。自2009年通過《再生能源發展條例之後》,台南市自2011年開始積極推動民宅與社區太陽光電系統的裝設,採取資訊傳播、提供設備補助以及簡化行政流程,希望可促進太陽光電系統的裝設量。但在歷經近5年的發展後,市內的民宅與社區的太陽光電系統裝設區域仍為少數,尚未形成廣泛的擴散效應。 而本研究以「台南市民宅與社區裝設太陽光電系統之政策」為研究對象,提出「社會意識與接受度」、「財務」、「地方能源治理能力」、以及「影響地方政府再生能源治理的體制架構」四大面向進行目前台南市在推動地方能源治理的分析。 而研究發現有以下:首先,地方政府基於多重動機推動再生能源政策,包含氣候變遷、城市發展;其次,地方政府所採取的推廣策略多侷限於地方政府權限之內;第三,現行的財務體制,由於目前融資系統對於想要在民宅與社區小型太陽光電的民眾並不友善,影響裝設意願;第四、在影響地方再生能源治理的體制架構上,中央政府仍採取由上而下主導的治理模式,限縮了地方政府在再生能源治理上的治理空間;最後,目前民間社會仍欠缺參與地方政府再生能源推動的參與管道。 因此,本研究認為未來應朝中央政府開放中央集權式的能源政策與能源市場結構,進而加強地方政府治理能力,而地方政府內部再生能源業務應進行相關整合,同時引入民間社會的力量協助地方政府推動再生能源的治理。


By using renewable energy to reduce fossil energy usage and dependence, can not only mitigate climate warming, but also enhance energy security. In the past, countries are considered to be key stakeholders in promoting renewable energy, but the role of local government in promoting of renewable energy policy is getting more important. Since the Renewable Energy Development Act was approved in 2009, Tainan City government have actively started to promote the installation of photovoltaic systems on residential roofs and in communities. To promote the installation amount of residential and community PV systems, the local government takes different measures like the dissemination of information, provision of equipment grants and to simplify administrative procedures, hope to promote solar photovoltaic systems installed set amount. But after nearly five years of development, the amount of solar photovoltaic system in the city is still a minority, extensive diffusion effect has not yet formed. Taking the “Tainan Residential and Community Solar Program” as the case study, the thesis proposes “Social awareness and acceptance”, “financial”, “the capacity of local energy governance”, and “the energy governance institutional structure” to analyze the local energy governance in Tainan City. Based on the analysis, the thesis’s findings are as follows: first, the local government starts to promote renewable energy policy based on multiple motives, including climate change, urban development; secondly, the promotion policues that local government adopted are confined within the competence of local government; third, due to the current financing system is not friendly for small communities and residential photovoltaic solar systmes, affect citizen’s installation willings; fourth, in the respect of the institutional framework that affecting local governemnt’s energy management, the central government still takes top-down governance model, restricts local governance space on renewable energy governance; and finally, there is still a lack of civil society participation of the local renewable energy policies. As a result, the thesis suggests that the central government should open up centralized energy policy and energy market structure, to strengthening the capacity of local governance in the future. Local government should improve internal renewable energy affairs integration, as same time introducing the capacity of civil society to assist local governments to promote renewable energy governance.


