  • 學位論文

公民社會與其發展的另類選擇: Hizmet 志願服務運動對土耳其科學與科技發展造成之影響

Civil Society and Alternative Development: Hizmet Movement on S&T Development of Turkey

指導教授 : 張國輝


自二戰結束以來,人類再度目睹世界上有一種倒退到中央集權意識型態的現象。戰後新世界之發展,先前實則仰賴擁有強健公民社會的自由主義國家所主導。時至今日,這樣的情況甚至更加明顯。若就發展理論的經典文獻看來,「發展」總是被視為一種由國家所領導、所控制、所壟斷的過程,特別是在高度技術化的發展部門,例如科學與科技的發展上。本論文所要展示的,包括公民社會在發展中所扮演的角色,甚且是其在尖端領域中所扮演的角色。相關的個案研究,乃是在土耳其公民社會中的不同部門所執行的。立基於土耳其,且從屬於全球網絡的一個社會運動,乃是此項個案研究的主體。研究發現,公民社會在發展中所扮演的角色,並非限縮於執行填補國家空缺之任務的這種夥伴關係;某些時候,公民社會團體其實更能推動國家政策的前進。 本論文首先回顧了20世紀的發展理論,呈現中央集權取徑在發展領域的衰退,接著提供以發展取徑切入公民社會理論的綜合式研究。土耳其是本研究中的主要國家,因此,土耳其的科學與科技發展會納入討論。再者,對於一種跨國的社會運動(其名稱為Hizmet,本意為利他服務、至善無私的公益),會在連結社會運動理論的情況下,有深度的分析。繼之,運動對於土耳其科學與科技發展的貢獻,亦有所呈現,並且有運動的參與者之訪談作為佐證。 本論文的研究結果顯示,公民社會團體可以開創另類發展模式,而這樣的模式,是與「國家壟斷下的發展」之經典論述大相逕庭的。公民社會進一步可以設法被具體地理解為中央集權的政策,例如技術教育、技術轉移、科學發展和產業整合,而這點是可以獲得充分解釋的。筆者提議,就科學與科技發展的觀點而言,不妨重新思索公民社會作為一種發展媒介的可能。


After World War II, our world witnessed the regression of the statist ideologies. The new world was developing on the shoulders of liberal states with strong civil society. It is even more obvious now in our time. In the classic development literature, development is always accepted as a process led, controlled and monopolized by the state, especially on highly technical branches of development such as S&T development. In this thesis, the role of civil society on development even on extremely advanced areas is exhibited. Case studies were undertaken of in the different segments of civil society in Turkey. A social movement based in Turkey which pertains to a global network is subject of the case study. The study found that the role of civil society on development is beyond the task of gap-filling as a partner of the state, even sometimes civil society groups can progress right front of state policies. The thesis first examines the development theories of our last century and presents the decline of the statist approach to development, then offers a general study on civil society theories from a development approach. Turkey is the subject country of this study, so that scientific and technologic development of Turkey is presented. Later on, a transnational social movement, Hizmet movement is deeply analyzed related to social movement theories, after that the contributions of the movement toward S&T development of Turkey is exhibited and supported with the interviews made with the members of the movement. The result of the thesis study shows that, civil society groups can create alternative development methods on the contrary of the classic discourses as development under the monopolization of states. It is well explained that civil society can manage even known as specifically statist policies such as technical education, technology transfer, scientific development, industrial integration. The author suggests rethinking civil society as a development agency in terms of S&T development.


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