  • 學位論文


Landscape Transformation and The Memory of Consumption of Certain Group in Taipei Cheng-Jung Market Area

指導教授 : 劉可強


本論文以台北城中市場街區為田野地點,試圖了解其人潮興盛的原因與存在的價值。而在城市觀察的過程中,發現了城中市場街區出現特別的現象:來這裡逛街、消費的人,不一定只是因為需要,有些族群是藉由逛街、消費的過程,重溫記憶。以這樣發現作為出發點,找尋發生的原因,便將研究分成兩個部份:一是空間形成的歷史地景追溯,二是找出人在這空間下因消費而衍生的活動與記憶。 城中市場街區的歷史,經歷曾經是清朝城內西連艋舺、北連大稻埕最繁榮的市街;日治時期為供給日人日常所需的商業街道;民國光復初期外省高級購物街。這樣的歷史,空間上所閱讀到的是承襲的、延續的,但瞬間變換的是活動在街區的人與活動:從清朝官方、地方商賈人士,到日治以日人為主的消費地景,到光復後瞬間充斥的外省難民而出現的消費地景。 而訪談習慣於城中市場逛街消費的族群,記憶是他們一直回來逛街消費的主因,也是現今城中市場街區的特有現象。而承襲歷史的分析,這樣的現象是因光復後外省難民大量注入城內地區所產生的消費地景而出現:因特有的地方共同記憶而回到地方消費、逛街。 在城中市場街區這樣特別歷史下出現的空間、人文地景,正是老舊街區--城中市場街區的價值,所以保存空間與記憶、延續這個區域消費活動地景,是面對接踵而來的都市更新應考量的面向,最後將歷史分析與訪談結果以都市更新的角度來討論,歷史街區應做怎樣尺度的保留,才能使街區價值得以保存,族群得以持續回憶、逛街與消費。


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his thesis uses the Taipei Cheng-Jung market area as the field place, with the attempt to understand the reason of this market’s popularity and the value of its existence. In the process of urban observation, I discovered that there is a special phenomenon in the Cheng-Jung market area: those who go there for window-shopping or shopping not only for their needs, and some certain groups go there for recollecting their memories of their past by the process of window-shopping or shopping. Based on this special phenomenon and to look into the reasons for its occurrence, this thesis is divided into two parts: first to trace the landscape of historical spatial forms; and the second part is to discover how the specific groups in this special form got their own social activities and memories during shopping. The history of the Cheng-Jung market area can trace back to the most prosperous city streets in the Qing Dynasty city which connected the Man-ka in the west and Da-Dao-Cheng in the north. Later on the business streets supplied the daily needs for Japanese in Japanese Occupation era, and became the high class shopping streets in the early of Republic of China. In such history, the spatial form is constant and continuing, but the people here and their activities represent an instantaneous transformation: from the officials, local businessman, to the public figure in the Qing Dynasty, and from the primary Japanese consuming landscape in Japanese Occupation era to the consuming landscape formed by the Chinese immigrants in the early of Republic of China. However, for those who constantly go window-shopping or shopping in the Cheng-Jung market area, during the interview, it was their memory that keep them coming back here, and it is a unique phenomenon of Cheng-Jung market area at the present days. Following the historical analysis, the unique phenomenon comes from the consuming landscape which emerged because the Chinese immigrants largely streamed into the Taipei walled-city area in the early of Republic of China. They return to the same place for window-shopping or shopping because they have the same memory of certain places. The space, and human landscape formed by the Cheng-Jung market area history are the value of the obsolete block, i.e the Cheng-Jung market area. Therefore, to preserve the space and the memory and to continue the consuming activity landscape in this area should be taken into account when implementing Urban Renewal plans. Finally, I discuss the historical analysis and the interview results from the point of view of Urban Renewal, how we should preserve the historical blocks to preserve the value of the blocks, letting people recollect, go window-shopping, and buying what they need.




