  • 學位論文


Epidemiology and Risk Factor for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃璉華




Abstract Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare neurodegenerative disease, the world incidence rate is 0.5 people per million population, about 4.5-14 months from the onset of clinical symptoms to death, currently no effective treatment. Taiwan began monitoring since 1996. Surge in the number of cases notified in 2008, the annual incidence rates and the epidemiology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease change significantly. The purpose of this study for analysis of 2001 to 2010 of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease epidemic distribution and risk factors, as the basis for the control strategies developed to enable monitoring and control mechanisms to be perfected. Application of retrospective case control study, subjects were informed of the case of the Centers for Disease Control from 2001 to 2010, which judged to possible, probable and definite the case of 118 cases for the experimental group, judged to exclude the cases of 108 cases in the control group. The results showed that the annual rate were from 0.3 to 0.8 per million population, there is a clear upward trend. Survival analysis is an average of 537 days, age of onset for each increase of 1-year-old, survival increased risk of 1.064 times. The risk factors of morbidity as well as foreign tourists, drinking, and family dementia increased significantly. Therefore, health authorities should be early planning derived from long-term care, and strengthening infection control measures.


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