  • 學位論文


Influence of anesthesia on metabolic rate of 18FDG in rat brain

指導教授 : 嚴震東


本實驗利用正子斷層造影及18F-FDG來觀測麻醉對大鼠腦部不同核區葡萄糖吸收的影響。大鼠在FDG注射至正子斷層造影掃描前的處理分成兩種,清醒組在isoflurane麻醉下自尾靜脈注射FDG,待清醒後放回原飼養籠自由活動。麻醉組為全程isoflurane麻醉。大鼠在正子斷層造影後再做電腦斷層掃描及核磁共振造影以便做骨骼與腦部細部核區的對位。   結果顯示麻醉組在大腦皮質多處核區有相對葡萄糖代謝率顯著降低,如cingulate cortex、primary motor cortex、secondary motor cortex及primary somatosensory cortex,作用機制可能為麻醉阻斷經由視丘傳遞的訊息或直接改變大腦皮質神經細胞的活化度以及放電模式。麻醉組的腦幹、小腦和下視丘的核區則相對葡萄糖代謝率顯著上升,如deep cerebellar nuclei、cerebellar hemisphere、cerebellar vermis、medullary reticular formation、principal sensory trigeminal nucleus及spinal trigeminal nucleus,這些增加相對葡萄糖代謝率的核區與重要的生理功能及周邊感覺的傳遞相關。本實驗藉由正子斷層造影、電腦斷層掃描及核磁共振造影三種造影技術的結合,以及Voxel based statistical analysis和Region of interest analysis可以較精準的取得核區的標準攝取值,以增加正子斷層造影分析的準確性。


18F-FDG PET/CT Scan was used to investigate the influence of anesthesia on glucose uptake in different brain nucleus. There were two different treatments. In the conscious group, rats were under isoflurane anesthesia when FDG injected through the tail vein. The rat was put back to home cage and move freely during FDG uptake and distribution. In the anesthesia group, rats were under isoflurane anesthesia throughout FDG injection and distribution. After PET scanning, rats received CT scanning and MRI scanning to facilitate co-registration between bone and brain nuclei. Our results showed that a large part of the cerebral cortex, including the cingulate cortex, motor cortices, and the somatosensory cortices showed a significant decrease of glucose uptake in the anesthetized group. These areas might be suppressed because anesthetics block transmission of sensory inputs and sensor-motor interactions. In contrast, many deeper brain regions showed an increase of glucose uptake under anesthesia. These areas included hypothalamus, brain stem nuclei, deep cerebellar nuclei, cerebellar hemispheres, cerebellar vermis, medullary reticular formation, principal trigeminal nucleus and spinal trigeminal nucleus, among others. Our experiment showed that the combination of PET, CT and MRI scans could obtain precise glucose uptake values in individual brain nucleus.


anesthesia PET scan MRI scan FDG metabolic rate


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