  • 學位論文


A Study of Seediq Pronouns

指導教授 : 宋麗梅


賽德克語運用代名詞指涉會話參與者的方式十分複雜。賽德克語代名詞主要有二種形式:附著型與自由型。附著型代名詞有主格及所有格的區別。在主事者語態,只有主格附著型代名詞會出現,在非主事者語態語態,這二種格位附著型代名詞都會出現。過去有許多關於附著型代名詞行為的研究(Chang 1997, 1999),但對於附著型代名詞更全面的解釋卻不多。相較於一般南島語語言學學者的clitic(依附詞)的分析,Chang (1997, 1999)主張賽德克附著型代名詞應該是一種agreement 詞綴。本研究的目的希望能更進一步說明複雜的賽德克語代名詞系統。 首先,附著型代名詞事實上同時帶有clitic以及agreement詞綴之特徵。下列現象支持clitic之分析:second position,位移的自由度,附著對象(host)的選擇,以及較弱的韻律整合。相對的,下列現象則支持agreement詞綴分析:則arbitrary gaps及詞綴轉換。Clitic doubling, clitic climbing以及附著型詞綴的選擇性(optionality)更進一步支持賽德克語代名詞可同視為clitic及agreement之說法。 其次,賽德克語代名詞,附著型或自由型代名詞,最多有三種出現模式:portmanteau型, double clitic型,或是single clitic型。在portmanteau 型, 所有格及主格clitics結合成一起出現, 出現的順序是所有格先,主格後。在double clitic型,代名詞clitic出現的順序是主格先,所有格在後,與portmanteau型的順序相反。在single clitic型,所有格名詞是以代名詞clitic方式出現,而主格名詞則是以自由形式呈現,而非以附著型代名詞形式出現。


Seediq participant manifestations with pronouns are intricate. They possess two types: bound forms and free forms. Bound forms are further categorized into two cases, nominative and genitive. In actor voice only nominative can appear, while in undergoer voices maximally two bound pronouns, nominative and genitive, are available. The behaviors of bound pronouns have been discussed to a certain extent (Chang 1997, 1999), but extensive accounts of bound pronouns are scarce. Chang claims that bound pronouns should be regarded as agreement affixes, contra to prevailing clitic analysis among Austronesianists. The aim of this study is to further elaborate upon the complex Seediq pronominal system. First, bound pronouns in fact demonstrate both features of pronominal clitics and agreement affix. Clitic analysis is favored by phenomena such as second position, freedom of movement and host selection, and less prosodic integrity, whereas agreement analysis is favored by phenomena such as arbitrary gaps and morphophonological alternations. With these features, they may be regarded as registration of both pronominal clitic and agreement. This idea is further supported by clitic doubling and climbing constructions and the optionality of bound pronouns. Next, Seediq clitics pronouns, bound or free, have as many as three patterns of manifestations: portmanteau forms, double clitic patterns, and single clitic pattern. In portmanteau forms, genitive and nominative clitics are fused into one form in that order with genitive preceding nominative. Double clitic patterns realize two clitic pronouns in the order of nominative appearing before genitive, contrary to the order of portmanteau forms. In single clitic patterns, a genitive element is expressed by a clitic, while a nominative argument is expressed by a free form.


Seediq clitic free form agreement portmanteau form


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