  • 學位論文


‘Migrating to a New Virtual World’: Exploring Social Network Sites Switching through Human Migration Theory

指導教授 : 陳靜枝
共同指導教授 : 陳鴻基




Participating social network site (SNS) has become a popular leisure-time activity on the Internet among a population. Despite the popularity of SNS growing rapidly in recent years, very little is known about the users’ switch of these SNSs. Due to users’ turnover affects the success of an SNS, it is therefore needed to understand which antecedents affect users’ intention to switching SNS service. The current study enlists the Push-Pull-Mooring Model, which analyzes migratory behavior based on Demographic Migration Theory, to study the SNS switching intentions of online users. Data will be obtained via an empirical survey and then analyzed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique. Empirical results show that PPM theory can be extended to explain people’s switching behaviors in cyberspace but with some modifications. Pull effects demonstrated to be the most influential determinant in triggering switching behaviors, followed by push, and mooring being the least important. The research findings can enhance the knowledge regarding SNS service and provide the possible avenues for SNS operator to understand their customer better.


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