  • 學位論文


Analysis and Estimation of the Effect on Landscape Pattern by Rural Road Network

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


道路與土地使用互為因果關係,而土地使用的改變,影響著路網與景觀的交互作用,其結果形成景觀空間格局。道路系統是景觀結構中的重要元素之一,景觀結構的改變會左右景觀生態程序的運作方式。道路建設造成土地的切割,是景觀碎裂的主因,農村介於自然與非自然之間,環境較為敏感,故道路造成生態棲地的碎裂、干擾與破壞,對國土保育、保安亦產生負面的環境衝擊。一個調和自然與景觀程序的農村路網系統規劃觀念,向來受到忽視,使農村道路密度與層級急遽成長,卻未能加以適當合理的管控,成為農村永續發展之隱憂。 本研究以質化及量化方法分析農村景觀生態格局,選擇花東縱谷稻米主要生產區-富里鄉、池上鄉、關山鎮,作為實證研究操作基地,以農林航空測量所九十年度之新版台灣地區相片基本圖為根據,應用地理資訊系統為分析工具,評估路網佈設對農村景觀碎裂的影響,並進行路網最佳路徑分析,運用交通寧靜區和景觀連結等概念,研擬路網調整措施及原則,進行路網整合,提出永續性農村路網佈設方案建議,以減輕路網對農村及區域景觀碎裂的負面衝擊。 實證研究結果得知,三個樣區農業景觀結構之相似性極高。富里鄉之景觀受到大型林業景觀類型所主導。池上鄉之景觀豐富而平均,稍受到林業景觀類型所支配。關山鎮之景觀則受到多種景觀類型所支配。 路網調整之後,三個樣區之整體碎裂度均為降低。與路網調整前比較,以池上鄉受到道路的影響最大。關山鎮受到多種景觀類型所支配,其景觀碎裂不僅受到道路切割的影響亦明顯受到土地使用之左右;富里鄉在路網調整後,更加強其主導景觀之優勢度,為三個樣區中最受到某種景觀類型(林業)強烈主導的樣區。


The construction of road and the utilization of land are interrelated with each other. To change the land utilization will have influence both on the road network and landscape which result will shape the space of landscape pattern. The road network is an important element of landscape structure, which change will have strong impact on the procedure operation of landscape pattern. The construction of road will result the split of land which is the major reason for the landscape fragmentation. The rural area is between natural and artificial environments which is sensitive to the environment. The fragementation, interruption and destruction of landscape pattern are resulted from the construction of road which has a negative impact on the national land reservation and security. The concept of systematic planning for a coordinated nature and landscape procedure of rural road network is always ignored by the public, which contribute to the high density and quick growth of rural road hierarchy. The study attempts to integrate rural landscape pattern by quality and quantity method analysis and chooses FuLi Town, ChihSang Town and KwanShan Town of HuaLien/TaiTung Longitudinal Valley, which are the major area of rice production, served as the study sample of actual experiment. Furthermore, the study will adopt new edition of year 90 Taiwan area photos, completed by Agricultureal and Forestry Aerial Survey Institute(A.F.A.S.I.)as basic drawings and utilize GIS as an analytic tool to erect the pattern of space analysis and evaluate the impact on rural landscape fragmentation from road network, which conduct route analysis of network optimization. In order to conduct network integration, the study applies the concepts of traffic calmed rural area (TCRA) and landscape connectivity to the strategy and principle of network adjustment, and raise the layout schemes of last-forever rural road network and related counterpart means to reduce the negative impact on the rural and landscape fragmentation from the road network. From the result of experimental study, the rural landscape structure of three sample areas have a very high similarity. The landscape of FuLi Town is dominated by huge type of forest pattern. With rich and even resources, ChihSang Town’s landscape is dominated by huge type of forest pattern slightly. However, the landscape of KwanShan Town is dominated by several landscape patterns. After the adjustment of road network, the level of landscape fragmentation is lower down for three sample areas. Comparing with the level before the adjustment, ChihSang Town’s landscape has the strongest influence from the road construction. The landscape of KwanShan Town is not only influenced by the road splitting, but also dominated by the land utilization. The landscape of FuLi Town is the most influenced sample area by specific landscape type with strong domination among three chosen sample areas.


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