  • 學位論文


The analysis of channel choice and customer value

指導教授 : 趙義隆


Kotler (2003)提出在「顧客導向」的時代,資訊爆炸、科技一日千里,虛擬世界無遠弗界。當消費者購物時,面臨多元的通路環境將會如何選擇?相對的,廠商又該如何擬定適當之通路策略?引發了本研究探討消費者通路選擇的前因後果。 整理前人研究與因素分析,本研究以「社交嚐新動機、娛樂移轉動機、運動接觸動機」3項構面衡量購買動機,以「口碑推薦經驗、滿意續購經驗、廣告促銷經驗、商品特質經驗」4項構面衡量先前購買經驗,以「空間性、時間性、隱私性、互動性、服務、價格」6項構面衡量通路特性,以「效率價值、情感價值、社會價值、享樂價值、功能價值」5項構面衡量顧客價值。 經過研究結果得知:購買動機對於通路選擇具有顯著影響;先前購買經驗對於通路選擇則是沒有顯著影響。其次,虛實通路的通路特性存在部份認知差異(空間性、時間性、隱私性、互動性、服務);虛擬通路的通路特性對通路選擇產生了顯著影響,也對顧客價值產生顯著影響。最後,虛實通路之間的顧客價值存在部分認知差異(效率價值、情感價值、社會價值、功能價值),而消費者也可從虛擬通路的消費經驗中獲得5項顧客價值。 藉由上述分析,本研究建議可嚐試從消費者的購買動機著手,吸引消費者選擇到此通路進行消費;再以實體通路為主,虛擬通路為輔,融合兩者長處;另外應找出消費者重視的通路特性進行改善,創造更高的顧客價值。


Kotler (2003) mentioned that during the "customer-oriented" age, it is full of information and technology is made progress at a tremendous pace, the virtual world is no boundary. When consumers go shopping, how they will choose under multi-channel environment? Relatively, how should the companies build up their channel strategy? This is the reason why our research induced, for discussing the cause and effect of channel choice. Reorganizes the previous research and through Factor Analysis, our research divides Shopping Motivation into 3 factors: "Social Motivation”, “Entertainment Motivation” and “Contact Motivation". Than separated Formerly Shopping Experience in 4 constructions; "World-of-mouth Experience”, “Satisfaction Experience”, “Promotion Experience”, and “Product Experience". We use "Space, Time, Privacy, Interaction Price and Service” these 6 dimensions for measuring Channel Characteristic. And 5 constructions for Customer Value: “Functional Value, Emotional Value, Social Value, Hedonic Value, and Utilitarian Value" According to the findings, Shopping Motivation has significant influence on Channel Choice; Formerly Shopping Experience is not revealed the significant influence regarding Channel Choice. Next, Physical Channel and Virtual Channel existed cognition difference in Channel Characteristic (Space, Time, Privacy, Interaction and Service). Channel Characteristic of Virtual Channel produced significant influence on Channel Choice and Customer Value.Finally, there is existed partial cognition difference of Customer Value between Physical Channel and Virtual Channel (Functional Value, Emotional Value, Social Value, and Utilitarian Value), and consumers also obtain 5 items of Customers Values from Virtual Channel. Based on the above analysis, we suggest it may start from the Motivation at beginning, attracting consumers to go shopping through your channel. Furthermore, take Physical Channel into primarily, and Virtual Channel as subsidiary, combine those two strong parts. Moreover it should discover the channel characteristic which consumers carry on and made them improved, to create the higher Customer Value.


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