  • 學位論文


Effects of Relationship Quality on Customer Loyalty : Electronic Consumer Product as an example

指導教授 : 陳家聲


本篇論文撰寫的動機源起於這個強調感動化的行銷世代,不僅是服務業強調微笑,連看似呆板的製造業也追求服務業的精神;而浩瀚無涯的學海中,也多著墨於探討企業與企業、或企業與通路間的關係。因此激發本研究「以關係行銷觀點探討消費性電子產品」為主題進行探討;因為消費性電子產品向來都以交易行銷的面貌存在於買賣關係中,是否可以進一步達成與品牌商間的關係維繫,這樣的發展的確有空間存在。 因此第一章我會詳述研究背景至研究流程,第二章以關係行銷文獻為依據提出假設形成研究架構,第三章及第四章詳細陳述研究方法及結果,第五章針對結果提出結論。經本研究實証發現關係品質中的三要素:滿意、信任及承諾對顧客忠誠度有顯著影響。其中顧客滿意可以直接影響顧客忠誠度、亦可間接透過承諾去影響忠誠度,而另一要素信任則必須透過承諾或滿意去影響忠誠度,探究原因發現滿意對於忠誠度的影響力大於信任,可能消費者覺得適合與否的屬性較信任重要;因此品牌商若欲從信任角度發想策略,必須以強化信任與顧客忠誠度之閶的關係為策略主軸;而滿意為消費者內心主觀態度,必須從滿意度驅動因子為考量出發點,儘量全面性提升消費者滿意度。本研究亦建議業界針對不同族群要加強何種資源的增加,以奠定關係行銷在消費性電子產品的基礎。


The motive of this essay is from this special marketing era which emphasizes on affecting. Not only service industry emphasizes on smiling, but boring manufacturing industry chases service spirit. Within extensive knowledge researching, researchers always focused on business to business or relationship between consumer and channels before. Therefore I want to treat electronic consumer products by relationship marketing viewpoint. Electronic consumer product is always remained in transaction relationship. Perhaps there is some developing space if brand companies could advance consumer and keep relationship. The first chapter I describe research background and flow path. The second chapter I arrange many relationship marketing references to form hypothesizes. The third and forth chapter I describe research methodology and results. The fifth chapter I propose conclusion based on research results. Through this research I could find the three components of relationship quality have significant impact on customer loyalty. The three components are customer satisfaction, trust and commitment. Customer satisfaction has direct impact on customer loyalty and indirect impact on loyalty through commitment. Trust only has indirect impact on customer loyalty through commitment or satisfaction. The research has already found influence of satisfaction is stronger than trust. This product suit you or not is an important factor for consumers. Therefore if brand companies want to make some strategies from trust viewpoint, they have to strength the relationship between trust and customer loyalty. As to customer satisfaction is an inner situation, brand companies have to make strategies from satisfaction driving factors viewpoint.


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