  • 學位論文


The Territorialization of Urban Indigenes-An Example of Amis Xizhou Tribe in Metropolitan Taipei

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


本研究聚焦於台灣都市原住民的領域化過程,探討原住民離開原鄉,遷移到都會區域生活,如何建構與經營自我的集體領域,並且在遭遇外部威脅與挑戰時,透過再領域化的動態過程,重新調整,以因應危機,並以新店溪河岸溪洲部落的迫遷抗爭與協商過程為研究案例。 首先從歷史上回溯花東原住民面對不同治理政權的領域化過程,自清朝開始,歷經日本殖民時期、國府時期,花東原住民對原鄉領域的控制權力其實不斷流失,導致原住民被迫離鄉,移居都市。遷移都市的核心過程是如何在漢人主流社會中建構自我的容身之處,在異鄉社會與文化條件下,都市原住民透過集體聚居以形成相互支持的社會文化組織與行動,並藉以對抗外在威脅。 以新店溪畔溪洲部落為例,族人遷居河岸,建立自我部落的領域化過程,河濱部落發展出細緻的領域化歷程,從實質環境的使用、佔用、控制、擴張,建構出自我領域的認同。藉由經營集體聚居的部落生活將原有各種不同的社會關係重新組織起來,在都會異鄉之中重組原住民社會網絡。在都會中建構原住民社群網絡的同時,其實也建立以地方領域為基礎的政治動員,使得位處社會邊緣的都市原住民透過地方政治選舉,取得自我組織與協商談判的機會。同時,經由親水文化地景的建構,強化集體的領域認同,透過實際佔有領域,在河岸聚居並建立部落與豐年祭的「傳統」,這樣的日常實踐行動讓族人在都會異鄉重新學習如何做為原住民,同時也建構的新一代的都市原住民文化認同。 地方政府拆遷行動引發了去領域化的威脅,溪洲部落發動社會抗爭,對抗危機,取得與政府協商契機後,持續領域化與去領域化多重勢力動態作用過程。在與政府的協商過程中,部落與協同專業者團體創造出領域化的政治機會,在空間與時間上爭取更多的斡旋可能性。 跨領域的專業者透過參與式規劃與設計過程在重建提案中重新組織了族人對未來的共同想像,轉化為實質規劃行動方案,結合部落自我組織,與地方政府持續領域的折衝與協商。 從溪洲案例中可以重新檢視領域化理論在跨文化跨領域過程中豐富的動態過程,而都市原住民與地方政府的持續周旋過程則讓領域化理論得以再深化,從微觀角度來檢視領域化過程。 本研究透過參與式行動研究方法,參與部落抗爭,協同部落與地方政府協商參與式規劃過程,深入參與河岸部落的領域化過程,輔以參與觀察與深度訪談進行研究。


This dissertation focuses on the territorialization process of urban indigenes who migrated to metropolitan Taipei. The urban indigene migrants of the Amis have established a self-built community in a marginal site along the riverbank of Xindian River. The main theme of this research is to explore the collective process of the territorialization around the urban tribe where be built and maintained after the group of indigenes left their homeland. Their self-help community was threatened by the state authority by demolishing and forcing the settlements to move into the public housing complex. The research also examine the dynamic re-territorialization process that to reconfigure the settlement in order to handle with the outside threats. This research has traced back to the territorialization process of Amis under different governance in their homeland, eastern Taiwan. The losing of territorial control power forced the disadvantaged Amis people migrated to urban area in the long process starting from Ching Dynasty, the Japanese colonial period and the Nationalist government stage. Surrounding by the social and cultural conditions of the Han people, urban indigenes built a self-help tribe and framed the social organizations and actions to support each other within their communal settlement. First, Amis people constructed their own territorial identity based on the using, occupation, controlling and expansion of the territory. Second, the urban tribe has re-organized existing social relationships into a collective social network based on communal territory. Third, the strong social network helped them to create a political mobilization based on territory. This political network of indigenes allow them to argue with local authorities for the opportunity to self-organization and negotiation. Finally, they created the collective identity according to Amis’s cultural landscape that encourage them to embrace and enjoy the waterfront live. The daily life along the riverbank constructed the new generation of cultural identity of urban indigenes.


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