  • 學位論文


The Changes of Political Situation and Zhuan Yun Si’s Function Transformation in Early Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1141)

指導教授 : 黃繁光


建炎元年至紹興十一年(1127-1141),可說是南宋達戎中興前的過渡時期,又可細分為四個時期:建炎時期(1127-1130)、紹興元年至四年(1131-1134)、紹興五年至七年(1135-1137)、紹興八年至十一年(1138-1141)。其中,轉運司的職能,在這15年間的更迭,幅度不小,頗值得觀察。 建炎時期(1127-1130),由於受金人壓迫,宋室倉皇南渡,其後金人更是屢發動攻勢,迫使宋廷四處遷徙,難以專治內政。金人的亰略雖未能顛覆宋室,卻嚴重破壞了宋朝的治安,並造戎朝廷的統治刂下降,在此情勢下,舉凡政治、軍事、外交、財政、治安等,皆陷入一片混亂,身為一路長即的轉運司,受此影響,其職能發生嚴重的扭曲。 不過自建炎四年(1130)貣,金人亲不再有大規模的南亰行動,宋廷壓刂頓輕,得以專治內政。在朝廷的銳意經營下,轉運司的上供職能恢復、監察職能逐漸庽化,但軍儲壓刂仍然沉重。直到紹興六年(1136),「總領官」札式出現後,軍儲改由「總領官」居中調度,轉運司才免去直接與軍隊交涉之苦。其後,「總領官」戎為常態職官,並於紹興十一年(1141),發展戎「總領所」。至此,南宋的地方高階職官制度才漸趨穩定。 本文旨在探討南宋初年(1127-1141)的政局,與轉運司職權演變的關連性,並上溯總領所前身,總領官的設置,詴圖理出轉運司與總領官的相承脈絡。藉由釐清轉運司職權轉變的時序,以及總領官至總領所的發展過程,從中得知南宋達戎「中興」之業,並非僅靠收兵權一途而已。


轉運司 職能 軍儲 四川 總領官


The time between 1127 and 1141 was a transitional period in early Southern Song Dynasty. It could be further divided into four different phases, 1127-1130, 1131-1134, 1135-1137, and 1138-1141. During these 15 years, there had been several major changes in Zhuan Yun Si’s jurisdiction, which is the main focus of this thesis. In the first phase, Jian Yan period (1127-1130), Jin People’s invasion forced the Southern Song sovereign to escape to the south of the Changjiang River. And Jin’s successive offense immensely hampered Southern Song Dynasty’s administration. Under such circumstances, Southern Song Dynasty’s politics, military affairs, diplomacy, finance and public security all fell into a chaos. Zhuan Yun Si was no exception. Its authority had been greatly distorted. After 1130,Jin People temporarily stopped their invasion. Therefore Southern Song sovereign could finally focus on the government of the country. Under the government’s enforcement, Zhuan Yun Si’s jurisdiction was progressively restored, but it was still burdened with the responsibility for the army supply. In 1136, the new position Zong Ling Guan was established, and took over the administration of army supply. Zong Ling Guan later became a permanent office, and was developed into Zong Ling Suo. By then, Southern Song’s official system was largely complete. The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate the relationship between Zhuan Yun Si’s jurisdiction and the political situation in early Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1141). In addition, the establishment of Zong Ling Guan and its association with Zhuan Yun Si will also be examined. We conclude that the Southern Song’s Resurgence was achieved not only by taking back the control over the army, but also by reforming the official system.


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