  • 學位論文


The Study Point of View and Adjustment of Self in Romantic Relationship:Anxiety Attachment Style of Ages 20-30 Years-Old

指導教授 : 柯志恩


本研究旨在探討焦慮依戀風格在親密關係間對內在自我調整的經驗,為了跳脫過往對於焦慮依戀風格在人際、親密關係間面臨的內在不安,本研究是以內在調整為出發點,藉由在親密關係間內在情緒間的因應焦慮依戀風格在人際、親密關係間面臨的內在不安經驗特徵探討,本研究以內在歷程調整為出發為焦點,藉由在親密關係間內在情緒間的因應,聚焦內在自我在親密關係中如何建立良好、正向經營層面,在親密關係間與個體間的發展(life span)觀點下,了解焦慮依戀風格者如何詮釋在親密關係間的內在自我感受與概念,探索在關係內的正向經營與早期成長經驗間的連結,並進一步了解調整經驗為親密關係與自我帶出蘊藏生命的力量與省思,本研究透過質性詮釋現象分析架構,採深度訪談方式蒐集成年時期共6位20至30歲之正在親密關係交往之焦慮依戀風格者的受訪資料進行逐字稿謄寫及類別主題歸納。根據研究目的,本研究分析結果主要整理如下:(一)焦慮依戀風格者由於內在存在擔憂害怕不被愛以及被拋棄感,因此容易隔絕與扭曲外界資訊,認為伴侶未全然給予關愛與支持,過度的警界反應與負向行為,索取伴侶的回應,反而對親密關係品質造成耗損。 (二)本研究發現改善焦慮依戀風格者在關係內的感受,來自於其一透過個體本身擔憂會被拒絕的害怕感受、情緒可以透過自省、分心等方式調整,其二則為伴侶持續的陪伴及本身擁有真實接納的特質,所逐漸形成良好的關係互動。(三)這群焦慮依戀風格者不僅透過分離化產生獨立自主特質,並透過健康正向伴侶互動,增加與伴侶間互動產生的滿意度以及穩定感受,迎向兩人對關係間擁有共同目標。(四)這群焦慮依戀風格者在親密關係間的回顧 中,為自我帶出積極正向的統整意涵,並且對個人生命有了新發展。根據上述結果,本研究最後針對焦慮依戀風格者及實務上後續研究提出具體建議供參考。


The purpose of this study was to examine how self-regulation harmonize and adjust attachment working models in intimate relationships. Although the attachment researches focused on the importance of dyadic and group relationships, there is much less attention on how self-regulation benefited and adjusted the intimate relationships. This study focused on individuals explored their implicit attachment-base processes with their partners and corrective their early insecure attachment experiences, depth interviews with a total of six adults aged between 20 and 30 participated in conducted by the researcher and the data was interpreted, and analyzed via hermeneutic phenomenological method in a structured form. The result shows four views which were as followed:(1) As individuals interacted their partners, they repeated their previous attachment experiences to manage intimate relation, and coped with their emotions automatically , it can be amplified by events that transpire with their relationships or in the wider environment. Then the insecure coping strategies would damage their intimate relationships.(2) The individuals could regulate their attachment-base processes as they were activated by the fear of rejections or abandonment. The partners could interacted with caring and trusting connections and individuals could adjust their emotional difficulties in the processes. The above allowed to correct their attachment working models and facilitate more attachment security. The individuals differentiated gradually and developed a trusting relationships, and maximize the likelihood of a mutual outcomes in the future. (3) This type of anxiety attachment style not only through the separation of independent characteristics, and through a healthy positive partner interaction, increase interaction with the partner satisfaction and stability of the feelings of the two facing the relationship. (4)The individuals overviewed their life span, and facilitated healthy attachment in their intimate relationships. Therefore, some concrete suggestions are proposed based on the above conclusions as a reference for seniors, anxiety attachment style and future researches.


