  • 學位論文


The Reasearch of Xia Mian-zun’s Prose Creation and Writing Theory.

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


二○年代正是中國現代文學史上璀璨的年代,「五四」運動的興起,更為現代文壇帶來一次脫胎換骨的變革,創作成績格外令人稱道,「白馬湖文風」正是在此時以一種特有的姿態在文學史上嶄露頭角,但包含夏丏尊的這群作家多為文學研究會的成員,所以長期而來未獲得研究者特別的重視。因此對夏丏尊及其作品的深入研究更是刻不容緩的工作,這也是筆者進行這個研究的目的及價值所在,本論文研究架構共分成八章: 第一章:導論,研究動機目的、文獻探討分析、研究方法與範圍。 第二章:歸納和分析夏丏尊生平思想創作與時代背景。 第三章:進行夏丏尊社會題材散文探析,包括戰爭抗日、社會批判、婦女問題題材 第四章:進行夏丏尊抒情題材散文探析,包括人情、生活情感題材。 第五章:進行夏丏尊教育題材散文探析,包括教育理念、知識小品題材。 第六章:夏丏尊之文藝與寫作通論探析,包括寫作準備、寫作過程理論、文章鑑賞和批評。 第七章:夏丏尊散文類型寫作理論探析,包括記事文、敘事文、說明文、議論文、小品文等文類寫作理論研究。 第八章:歸結夏丏尊散文創作之成就、寫作理論和時代意義。 參考文獻


20’s of modern Chinese literary history is the era of bright, "54" movement, has brought a more modern literary reborn change, creative achievement is particularly commendable, "White Horse Lake style of writing" It was at this point in order to a unique gesture in the history of literature emerge, but Xia Mian-zun with respect to these writers for literary studies of the members, so researchers have not been a long time from special attention. Therefore, respect for his works on Xia Mian-zun in-depth study is imperative, which is why I conducted this study the purpose and value, this thesis structure divided into eight chapters: Chapter I: Introduction, Motivation purpose, literature review analysis, research methods and scope. Chapter II: Induction and analysis of Xia Mian-zun respect for his life and thinking of creative background. Chapter III: Conduct Xia Mian-zun respect prose Analysis of social themes, including war against Japanese aggression, social criticism, women's issues topics Chapter IV: Conduct Xia Mian-zun respect lyrical prose Analysis of subjects, including human relationships, life emotional themes. Chapter V: Conduct Education and subject to the Xia Mian-zun respect Analysis essays, including education philosophy, knowledge sketches themes. Chapter VI: Conduct Xia Mian-zun Theory of Literature and Writing Analysis, including the writing preparation, writing process theory, articles, appreciation and criticism. Chapter VII: Conduct Xia Mian-zun statue Theory of prose writing type, including the notes text, narrative text, expository essay, argumentative writing, writing essays and other genres theoretical research. Chapter VIII: Attributed to the Xia Mian-zun respect the achievements of prose writing, writing theory and this era. References


Edmondo DeAmicis(義)著,夏丏尊譯,《愛的教育》(台北:開明書店,1956年5月)。
